Lizotte, Mike,

Mini meadows : grow a little patch of colorful flowers anywhere around your yard / by Mike Lizotte. - x, 141 pages : color illustrations ; 22 cm Soft cover book

Includes index.

Meadow planning 101 -- Digging in -- Autumn and beyond -- Meadows with a purpose -- Planting for pollinators.

"Small space, big impact. Growing a patch of meadow plants is an easy inexpensive way to start your first garden. It's also an eco-friendly alternative to a lawn and can help prevent erosion and provide food for pollinators. Mike Lizotte guides you through the steps of choosing the perfeect plants for your space, prepping the ground for growing from seed, and enjoying your mini meadow for years to come."--

9781612128351 1612128351


019268757 Uk

Flower gardening.
Meadow gardening.
Eco-friendly gardening.

SB404.9 / .L59 2019

635.9 Liz 12

SB404.9 / .L58 2019