Kemmeter, Jennifer

Build it! make supercool models with your favorite Lego parts Wild west Wild west Jennifer Kemmeter. - Portland, Oregon Graphic Arts Books 2019 - 96 pages : color illustrations ; 29 cm - Build it! .

Westward ho! -- Wild west town -- Wildlife in the desert -- Mining boom.

Explore your creative side and build exciting LEGO(R) models with the best-selling Build It! series, a step-by-step instruction guide for all ages. This series of visually rich instruction books for LEGO(R) creations is perfect for children ages 5 and up. Inside Build it! Wild West, you'll find a range of creative models from to put together, created using bricks that LEGO(R) obsessives may already have at home. Each book in this interactive series contains 3-5 dioramas featuring a diverse range of models. Full color, step-by-step diagrams guide you through the process, enhancing the fun.

5 - 8 years

9781513262093 9781513262116 1513262114 9780876174258

LEGO toys--Juvenile literature.
LEGO toys--Pictorial works--Juvenile literature.
LEGO toys--Design and construction--Juvenile literature.
Automobiles, Racing--Models--Juvenile literature.
Models and modelmaking--Juvenile literature.

West (U.S.)

j688.725 Kem 26