Landon, Susan

Lighting up the darkness Susan London - Albuquerque, NM Albuquerque Journal December 20, 1987 - 6 p. Newspaper Article - Albuquerque Journal December 20, 1987 .

Master list item #: 28

File location is in the Raton file Cabinet

Newspaper article + photographs 1. Manger scene 2. Three Camels 3.Shepherds 4. Nativity

This article is about the impact the City of Bethlehem has had on the community.

Fleming, Lorena Sue--Raton Chamber

Raton Lions Club
La Mesa Park

Coal Mining Towns
Christmas Displays
Annual Traditions
Holiday Displays
Local Hardships
Local History

City of Bethlehem
Apache Avenue
Climax Canyon
Raton, New Mexico

NM - Cities & Towns - Raton - City of Bethlehem 36