Statistical abstract of the United States 2021 the national data book
Statistical abstract of the United States ProQuest statistical abstract of the United States 2021. National Data Book
- 9th edition.
- Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield, 2021.
- xiv, 1000 pages : maps, tables ; 29 cm Hardback book
- Proquest Statistical Abstract of the United States .
"Issued December 2020"--Title page.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Preface -- New and deleted tables -- Guide to tabular presentation -- Section 1: Population -- Estimates and projections by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin -- States, metropolitan areas, cities -- Mobility status -- Profiles of elderly, racial, and Hispanic-origin populations -- Native and foreign-born populations -- Immigration -- Ancestry, languages -- Marital status and households -- Religion -- Section 2: Births, deaths, marriages, and divorces -- Births -- Sexuality and family planning -- Life expectancy -- Deaths -- Marriages and divorces -- Section 3: Health and nutrition -- National health expenditure accounts -- Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP -- Health insurance -- Healthcare industry revenue and employment -- Hospitals and healthcare utilization -- Health measures -- Health measures, children -- Food consumption, nutrition -- Section 4: Education -- Overview, all levels of education -- School readiness -- Primary and secondary schools -- Higher education -- Libraries -- School crime and safety -- Section 5: Law enforcement, courts, and prisons -- Crimes and crime rates -- Law enforcement and arrests -- Courts -- Juveniles, child abuse -- Prisoners and inmates -- Fire departments and property losses -- Section 6: Geography and environment -- Land and water -- Air quality -- Municipal hazardous waste -- Weather -- Conservation -- Section 7: Elections -- Voter registration and vote results -- Elected officials -- Campaign finances -- Section 8: State and local government finances and employment -- Governmental units -- Aid to state and local governments -- State and local governments -- State government finances -- Local government finances -- Employment and payroll -- Section 9: Federal government finances and employment -- Budget receipts, outlays, debt -- Income taxes -- Federal employment, payroll, and facilities -- Section 10: National security and veterans affairs -- National defense outlays, expenditures, personnel -- Military manpower -- Military sales and assistance -- Veterans -- Homeland security -- Section 11: Social insurance and human services -- Government transfer payments -- Social security, retirement funds, and other income assistance -- Federal food programs and family assistance -- Child care, child support -- Social services providers -- Section 12: Labor force, employment, and earnings -- Labor force status, Occupations and employment projections -- Unemployment -- Establishments -- Compensation and hours worked -- Benefits -- Injuries -- Union membership -- Section 13: Income, expenditures, poverty, and wealth -- Gross domestic product -- Personal and household income -- Consumer expenditures -- Money income -- Poverty status -- Wealth -- Section 14: Prices -- Consumer price index -- Cost of living index -- Producer price index -- Section 15: Business enterprise -- Sole proprietors, partnerships, corporations -- Establishments, employees, payroll -- Firms, births, deaths, expansions, and contractions -- Women- and minority-owned businesses -- Bankruptcy, patents -- Investment, capital expenditures -- Economic indicators -- Corporate profits -- Multinationals -- Section 16: Science and technology -- Research and development funds, outlays -- Science and engineering degrees -- Science and engineering employment -- Space program -- Section 17: Agriculture -- Farms and farmland -- Farm balance sheet, income -- Agricultural exports and imports -- Crops, livestock -- Section 18: Forestry, fishing, and mining -- Natural resource-related industries -- Timber, lumber -- Fisheries -- Mining, minerals, and energy resources -- Section 19: Energy and utilities -- Energy production, consumption -- Energy expenditures and trade -- Crude oil -- Nuclear -- Renewable energy -- Electric power -- Gas and other utilities -- Section 20: Construction and housing -- Construction industry indicators -- Home sales and prices -- Housing supply -- Housing occupancy and tenure -- Home improvements -- Nonresidential construction -- Section 21: Manufactures -- Manufacturing summary -- Hours and earnings of production workers -- Shipments, inventories, new orders, and finances -- Industry reports by subject and subsector -- Section 22: Wholesale and retail trade -- Wholesale trade -- Retail trade -- Section 23: Transportation -- Transportation system -- Air transportation -- Water transportation and port traffic -- Highways -- Motor vehicle registrations and fuel consumption -- Motor vehicle accidents -- Urban transit and commuting -- Trucks, railroads, and pipelines -- Postal service -- Section 24: Information and Communications -- Information industries -- Publishing, newspapers, books, and online -- Recording media and broadcasting -- Telecommunications -- Internet access and use -- Libraries -- Section 25: Banking, Finance, and Insurance -- Establishment, receipts -- Flow of funds, financial assets, and liabilities -- Financial institutions -- Payment instruments, credit and debit cards -- Consumer credit, mortgage debt -- Money stock, interest rates -- Stocks and bonds, equity ownership, mutual funds -- Insurance and real estate -- Section 26: Arts, recreation, and travel -- Employees, establishments, and payroll -- Performing arts -- Leisure activities -- Sports -- Parks and wildlife activities -- Travel -- Section 27: Accommodation, food services, and other services -- Section 28: Foreign commerce and aid -- International transactions -- Foreign investments -- Foreign grants and credits -- Exports and imports -- Section 29: Puerto Rico and the island areas -- Section 30: International statistics -- World population, vital statistics -- Economic measures -- Labor force -- Agriculture -- Energy and environment -- Technology -- Finance -- Security and terrorism -- Appendix 1: Guide to sources of statistics, state statistical abstracts, and foreign statistical abstracts -- Appendix II: Metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas: concepts, components, and population -- Appendix III: Limitations of the data -- Appendix IV: Weights and Measures.
The Statistical Abstract of the United States, published since 1878, is the best-known statistical reference in the country. As a comprehensive collection of statistics of the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States, it is a snapshot of America and its people.
9781641434454 1641434457
Statistics--United States. Demography--United States.