Raton Realty Building Sold Woodworth Brothers new owners
- Raton, NM Raton Range January 11, 1972
- 2 p Newspaper Article
- Raton Range 1-11-72 .
Master list item #: 23
File location is in the Raton file Cabinet
Newspaper article
This article is about the sale of Raton Realty Building on the corner of South Second Street and Cook Avenue to Ronald and Howard Woodworth and others.
Woodworth, Ronald Woodworth, Howard Morrow, James Morrow, Raymond Hart, Ruth Morrow Morrow, John Jr. Mendleson, M. R. Price, A. C. Ruth, Ernst Linwood, W. J. Morrow, Thomas E. Love, Robert French, Allan Nutting, W. E. Connell, James J. Humphreys, E. B. Edbrooke, H W. J. Thaxton, J. Q. Dr. Smigelow, M. G.
Burrow Furniture Company Raton Realty Mendelson Clothing
Building History Business Buildings Furniture Stores Clothing Stores Doctor Offices Reality
South Second and Cook Avenue--Raton, New Mexico
New Mexico - Cities and Towns - Raton - Buildings - Business 36