Village awaiting tornado relief
Todd Wildermuth
- Raton, NM Raton Range July 30, 1996
- 2 p Newspaper Article
- Raton Range 7-30-96 .
Mater List Item # 78
File location is in the New Mexico File Cabinets
Newspaper article + Photographs 1) Photo of the funnel cloud 2) Post office Employees 3) Friends cleaning up debris around Simple Simon's Pizza Parlor
This article is talking about relief funds that maybe available to the Village of Cimarron after the tornado disaster. The article goes on to tell about the damages.
Johnson, Gary--New Mexico Governor Baker, Wayne--Incident Commander Clinton, Bill--President of the United States Watson, Ernie--Department of Agriculture spokesman Domenici, Pete--New Mexico State Senator Richardson, Bill--New Mexico State Senator Rogers, Beverly Rogers, Harl --Mayor of Cimarron Davis, Stan Davis, Ella Liles, Charlie Gonzales, Rich Osborn, Robyn
Village of Cimarron Philmont Search and Rescue Federal Emergency Management Agency - FEMA Red Cross Philmont Scout Ranch Cimarron Health Clinic Miners' Colfax Medical Center - MCMC International Bank Russell's Grocery Store National Weather Service Maverick Rodeo Grounds Angel Fire Search and Rescue Kit Carson Hotel Simple Simon's Pizza Parlor Trinidad Breakfast Optimist Clumb Hall & Hall, Ltd. Law Firm Super Save All Seasons Restaurant Sunwest Bank
Disaster Funds Tornado Damage Tornado Disasters Property Damage Rescue Efforts Business Damage Personal Injuries