Scout honored for dock project
Raam Wong
- Albuquerque, New Mexico Albuquerque Journal March 18, 2007
- 3 p., 2 digital Newspaper Article
Master list item #:44
File location is in the Raton File Cabinet
Newspaper Article on Bryce Pfeiffer who liked fishing with his grandfather. His grandfather was having difficulty getting in and out of a boat, so Bryce decided to visit business for donation to have a handicap accessible dock built for Lake Maloya in Raton..
Martin, Richard Pfeiffer, Bryce Dye, Bob
Sugarite Canyon State Park
Local History Biography Life and Customs Grandpa/Grandson Disibility Fishing Lake Accessibility Dock Donations Determination
Raton, New Mexico Colorado Washington, D.C.
New Mexico - Cities and Towns - Raton - Biographies - Events - Locals 36