iPhone for seniors in easy steps
iPhone for seniors in easy steps : for all models of iPhone with iOS 15
Nick Vandome.
- 8th edition.
- Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, United Kingdom In Easy Steps, 2021.
- 192 pages color illustrations 23 cm Soft bound book.
- In Easy Steps .
Includes index. "Covers all iPhones with iOS 15."
Your new iPhone -- Starting to use your iPhone -- Head in the iCloud -- Calls and contacts -- Typing and texts -- Camera and photos -- The online world -- Hands on with apps -- Apps for every day -- On the go -- Practical matters.
"iPhone for Seniors in easy steps, 8th edition is now updated to cover all iPhones with iOS 15. It'll show you how to: Make and receive calls and send messages; Use FaceTime to make video calls, and have fun sharing music or video clips on FaceTime calls; Find apps to stay healthy, shop online, plan your vacation, get instant news, and keep on top of everyday tasks; Make secure payments using your iPhone; Customize your iPhone and notifications; Explore the iTunes Music Library; Share music, videos, apps, calendars and photos with children and grandchildren. Written in larger type and using non-technical language, iPhone for Seniors in easy steps, will help you get more out of your iPhone--so you don't have to ask the kids!"--
9781840789454 184078945X
020379584 Uk
iOS (Electronic resource)
iPhone (Smartphone) Operating systems (Computers) Computers and older people.