Skene, Rona,

LEGO super nature LEGO super nature : discover the natural world and get inspired to build! Super nature written by Rona Skene ; models designed and created by Jason Briscoe, Nate Dias, and Jessica Farrell ; photography by Gary Ombler. - First American edition. - New York : DK Publishing, 2021. - 76 pages : color illustrations ; 29 cm Hardback book.

Includes index.

Water and ice -- Forests -- Mountains and lowlands.

Did you know there's a plant that eats insects? And a mammal that can fly? LEGO Super Nature includes fascinating facts from the natural world, all illustrated with LEGO builds.

9780744038422 0744038421 9780744028577 0744028574


LEGO toys--Juvenile literature.
Models and modelmaking
Educational toys

TS2301.T7 / S573 2021

j688.725 Ske 26