Murphy, Robert Lee

Bozeman paymaster a tale of the fetterman massacre Robert Lee Murphy - Large print edition. - Waterville, Maine Thorndike Press 2023 - 669 pages (large print) maps ; 22 cm

"Fighting to defend their favorite buffalo hunting grounds following the Civil War, Lakota Chief Red Cloud's coalition of Sioux, Northern Cheyennes, and Arapahos drove the military forces out of the Powder River country of modern-day Wyoming. On a bone-chilling day in December 1866, Captain William Fetterman led eighty men into the army's worst defeat at the hands of the Indians until Custer's Last Stand a decade later. Despite the turmoil of virtually constant Indian attacks at Fort Phil Kearny, a youthful paymaster clerk and a beautiful young schoolteacher fall in love. Their future is torn asunder when in the aftermath of the Fetterman Massacre the United States abandons the forts protecting the Bozeman Trail, closing the shortest route used by immigrants to reach Montana's goldfields. Red Cloud's War was the only war the American Indians won fighting the U.S. Army" --

1432893009 9781432893002

Red Cloud 1822-1909 --Fiction.

Fetterman Fight--Wyoming--1866--Fiction.
Red Cloud's War--1866-1867--Fiction.
Large type books.

Bozeman Trail--Fiction.

Mur 38