Pearce, Stevan

Just fly the plane, stupid! memoirs of the New Mexico Congressman Memoirs of the New Mexico Congressman Stevan Pearce - New Mexico S. Pearce 2013 - 479 pages illustrations, portraits 23 cm

Stevan Pearce, a Republican, was twice elected to the New Mexico State Legislature, in 1996 and again in 1998. In 2002, he was elected to the United States House of Representatives from New Mexico's 2nd District and was reelected in 2004 and 2006. In 2008, he ran unsuccessfully for Senate and did not run for reelection to the House. In 2010 and 2012, he was again elected to the House from the 2nd District.

"In his own words, Stevan Pearce describes his amazing journey and the events that shaped his life from an extremely humble beginning on a tiny hardscrabble farm to owning a company in the oil industry of southern New Mexico to being elected to the U.S. Congress. But as remarkable as his success story is, it is merely the backdrop to the transformation of his life what was going on behind the scenes. This book is his personal story of overcoming a life riddled with overwhelming insecurities and fears, introversion and shyness, the embarrassment of poverty, and a lack of vision to see what other children seem to see naturally. 'The real story is my fight to overcome these internal obstacles, a fight I found far more difficult than overcoming the ones placed in my life by external forces. For so long, I kept myself locked in a cell of fear, unable to move from where I was to where I wanted to be. But the doors that restrain us, I've found, are seldom locked. With a little push, they swing wide to welcome a life we never imagined. If just one person pushes at those closed doors, then this book and this story will be worthwhile.'"--

9780989999205 0989999203

Pearce, Stevan

Legislators--United States--Biography.

New Mexico--Biography.
United States.

E840.8.P343 / J87 2013

840.8343 Pea 47