Kilmer, Joyce frey50
Joyce Kilmer's Anthology of catholic poets
by Joyce Kilmer
- Garden City, NY Halcyon house 1939
- 389 p.
Anonymous; Beardsley, Aubrey; Belloc, Hilaire; Benson, Robert Hugh; Blunt, Wilfred Scawen; Brayton, Teresa; Breathnach, Michael; Bregy, Katherine; Bridges, Madeline; Brunini, John Gilland; Bryne, William A.; Campbell, Joseph; Carbery, Ethna; Carlin Francis; Carroll, P.J.; Casement, Sir Roger; Casey, D. A.; Casey, John Keegan; Chesterton, Gilbert Keith; Clarke, Austin; Clarke, Joseph I.C.; Codd, Gertrude Jane; Colum, Padraic; Connolly, Myles E.; Corridan, Frances O'Connell; Cox, Eleanor Rogers; Custance Olive; Daly, S.J., James J.; Daly, Thomas A.; De Vere, Aubrey; Dollard, James B.; Donahue, D.J.; Donnelly, Eleanor; Douglas, Lord Alfred; Downing, Eleanor; Dowson, Ernest; Drane, Augusta T.; Duff, James L.; Durward, Bernard Isaac; Durward, Rev. John T.; Earls, S.J. Michael; Eden, Helen Parry; Edmund, C.P. Father; Egan, Maurice Francis; Essex, Edwin, Father; Faber, Father;Fahy, Francis A.; Feeney, S.J. Leonard; Fitzpatrick, John; Fleming, Mary; Furlong, Alice; Gaffney, O.P., Francis A.; Garesche, S.J. Edward F.; Giltinan, Caroline; Gogarty, Oliver; Griffin, Gerald; Guiney, Louise Imogen; Hackett, Francis; Hawker, Robert Stephen; Hayes, James M.; Hickey, Emily M.; Hopkins, J.G.E.; Hopkins, S.J. Gerard; Iris, Scharmel; Joyce, Robert Dwyer; Kelley, Mgr. F.C. ; Kelly, Blanche Mary; Kelly, Patrick; Kettle, Tom; Kickham, Charles Joseph; Kilmer, Aline; Kilmer, Joyce; King, Eleanor Hamilton; Kolars, Mary; Lathrop, George Parsons; Lathrop, Rose Hawthorne; Laube, Clifford J.; Leamy, Edmund (Senior); Ledwidge, Francis; Leslie, Shane; Lindsay, Ruth Temple; Livingston, Father; M.S.M; MacCarthy, Denis Florence; MacDermott, Thomas; MacManus, Seumas; Sister M. Madeleva; Maguire, Francis; Mallock, William H.; Mangan, James Clarence; Sister Mary Angelita; Sister Mary Benvenuta, O.P.; Sister Mary of the visitaiton; Maynard, Theodore; McCarthy, Denis A.; McGee, Thomas D'Arcy; Meynell, Alice; Meynell, Wilfrid; Miller, J. Corson; Moriarty, Helen L.; Newman, John Henry; O'Brien, Seumas, O'Daly, Murdoch; O'Donnell, C.S.C, Charles L.; O'Hagan, Thomas; O'Reilly, John Boyle; O'Reilly, Mary A.; O'Sheel, Shaemas; Pallen, Conde Benoist; Patmore, Coventry; Pearse, P.H.; Phillips, Charles; Piatt, Mrs. Sarah M.B.; Plunkett, Joseph M.; Probyn, May; Proctor, Adelaide Anne; Raftery, Gerald; Randall, James Ryder; Repplier, Agnes; Sister Rita Agnes; Roche, James Jeffrey; Rooney, John Jerome; Rooney, William; Russell, S.J. Matthew; Ryan, Abram J.; Ryan, Anne; Seton, E.; Shuster, George N.; Sigerson, Dora; Sigerson, George; Spalding, John Lancaster; Sterling, George; Stoddard, Charles Warren; Strahan, C.S.C. Speer; Stuart, Henry Longan; Sullivan, A.M.; Sullivan, Timothy Daniel; Swan, Caroline D.; Tave, John Bannister; Sister Margaret Teresa, S.S.J.; Thompson, Frederic; Thompson, Francis; Tormey, Rev. Michael; Tynan, Katherine; Walsh, Thomas; White, Joseph Blanco; Wilde, Oscar
English poetry --Catholic authors
American poetry --Catholic authors
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