Streisand, Barbra

Higher ground Barbra Streisand - New York, NY Columbia 1997 - 1 audio disc 4 3/4 in. - 4 3/4 in.

Popular and sacred songs. Program notes by Barbra Streisand, and lyrics of the last song, in English and transliterated Hebrew (14 pages : col. portraits)--inserted in container. Columbia: CTDP 000278 (on container: CK 66181).

I believe ; You'll never walk alone -- Higher ground -- At the same time -- Tell him On holy ground -- If I could -- Circle -- Water is wide ; Deep river -- Leading with your heart -- Lessons to be learned -- Everything must change -- Avinu malkeinu. (duet with Celine Dion) --

Songs of faith and inspiration.

Includes one song in Hebrew.

074646618127 7464661812

CTDP 000278 Columbia CK 66181 Columbia



Popular music--1991-2000
Sacred songs
Sound recordings
Musique populaire--1991-2000.
Chants sacres.
Female vocalists--Compact discs.

M1630.18.S87 / H53

Str 72