Andersen, H. C.

The complete fairy tales Hans Christian Andersen - New York Barnes & Noble 2010, 2007 - 972 pages 24 cm

"Compilation c2007 by Worth Press"--Title page verso.

tinder box Little Claus and Big Claus princess and the pea Little Ida's flowers Thumbelina naughty boy traveling companion talisman This fable is intended for you emperor's new clothes galoshes of fortune steadfast tin soldier wild swans garden of paradise flying trunk storks rose elf What the moon saw wicked prince metal pig bond of friendship rose from Homer's grave buckwheat Ole Lukoie swineherd angel nightingale ugly duckling sweethearts; or, the top and the ball fir tree snow queen elder-tree mother elf mound red shoes jumpers shepherdess and the chimney-sweep Holger Danske bell Grandmother darning needle little match girl picture from the ramparts view from Vartou's window old street lamp neighboring families Little Tuck shadow old house drop of water happy family story of a mother shirt collar The little mermaid Daisy nightcap of the "Pebersvend" Something old oak tree's last dream marsh king's daughter racers stone of the wise man wind tells about Valdemar Daee and his daughters girl who trod on the loaf Ole, the tower keeper Anne Lisbeth Children's prattle child in the grave Two brothers Pen and inkstand farmyard cock and the weathercock "Beautiful" story from the sand dunes Moving day butterfly bishop of Borghum and his men Twelve by the mail beetle What the old man does is always right snow man In the dark yard ice maiden psyche snail and the rosebush old church bell silver shilling snowdrop bird of folklore will-o'-the-wisps are in town windmill In the children's room Golden treasure storm shifts the signboards Kept secret but not forgotten porter's son Aunty toad little green ones Vano and Glano goblin and the woman dryad Godfather's picture book rags Which was the happiest? days of the week court cards Luck may lie in a pin Sunshine stories What one can invent What happened in the thistle Chicken Grethe's family comet candles most incredible thing Danish popular legends Lucky peer What the whole family said good home Great-grandfather great sea serpent gardener and the noble family "Dance, dance, doll of mine" cripple gate key Aunty toothache What old Johanne told flea and the professor

9781435125995 1435125991

Fairy tales--Denmark.
Children's stories, Danish--Translations into English.
Fairy tales.
Short stories.


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