Walstead, Alice

How to catch a Loveosaurus Alice Walstead ; illustrated by Andy Elkerton - Naperville Sourcebooks Wonderland 2023 - 1 volume (unpaged) color illustrations ; 21 cm. - How to catch .

It's prehistoric pandemonium as the Catch Club Kids search for an escaped dinosaur that is spreading love and kindness, in this sweet story that combines adventure with STEAM concepts.

9781728268781 1728268788

020817849 Uk

Dinosaurs--Juvenile fiction.
Museums--Juvenile fiction.
Love--Juvenile fiction.
Kindness--Juvenile fiction
Juvenile fiction--Animals-- Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Creatures
Juvenile fiction--Love & Romance
Juvenile fiction--Stories in Verse
Juvenile fiction--Holidays & Celebrations--Valentine's Day
Children's stories

PZ8.3.W1938 / Hl 2023

jWal 16