Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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161. The Clintons, And Others by Marshall, Archibald frey50 Publication: Dodd 1919 Date: 1919 Availability: Items available: (1),
162. American Silurian crinoids by Springer, Frank frey50 Publication: Smithsonian 1926 Date: 1926 Availability: Items available: (1),
163. The importance of living by Lin, Yutang frey50 Publication: 1937 Date: 1937 Availability: Items available: (1),
164. Seven pillars of wisdom by Lawrence, T.E. Publication: Garden City, New York Doubleday, Doran and Company, Inc. 1935 . 672 p. , "Privately printed, 1926; first published for general circulation, 1935." Portraits by Eric Kennington, Augustus John, William Roberts, John Singer Sargent, William Nicholson, Henry Lamb, William Rothenstein, R.M. Young, Colin Gill, Frank Dobson, and Gilbert Spencer, and illustration by Sydney Carline. Includes indexes. Date: 1935 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [940.415 Law] (1),
165. These white hands. by Deeping, Warwick frey50 Publication: New York Robert M. McBride & Company . 414 p. Availability: Items available: [Dee] (1),
166. The deerslayer: by Cooper, James Fenimorefrey50 Publication: New York Charles Scribner's Sons 1929 . 462 p. Date: 1929 Availability: Items available: [Coo] (1),
167. The Late George Apley by Mauquand, John P. frey50 Publication: 1937 Date: 1937 Availability: Items available: (1),
168. Edge OF Taos Desert Vol. 4 by Luhan, Mabel Dodge Publication: New York Harcourt, Brace and Company 1937 . 338 p , Includes Index Date: 1937 Availability: Items available: [978.9050924 Luh] (1),
169. Our Town / by Wilder, Thornton frey50 Publication: New York Coward McCann, Inc. 1938 . 128 p. Date: 1938 Availability: Items available: [812 Wil] (1),
170. Towers in the mist / by Goudge, Elizabeth frey50 Publication: New York Coward-McCann 1938 . 386 p. Date: 1938 Availability: Items available: [Gou] (1),
171. Peace with the Dictators by Angell, Norman Publication: Harper & Brothers Publishers New York 1938 . 291 p. Date: 1938 Availability: Items available: [940.5 Ang] (1),
172. Apropas Of Dolores by Wells, H.G. frey50 Publication: 1938 Date: 1938 Availability: Items available: (1),
173. The yearling by Rawlings, Marjorie K. frey50 Publication: Charles Scribner's 1938 Date: 1938 Availability: Items available: (1),
174. Walden by Thoreau, Henry David frey50 Publication: New York Carlton House 1910 . 297 p. Date: 1910 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [818 Tho] (1),
175. Silas Marner. by Eliot George frey50 Publication: New York Kelmscott . 198 p Availability: Items available: [Eli] (1),
176. The horse and buggy doctor by Hertzler, Arthur E. Publication: New York Harper and Brothers 1938 . x, 322 p. Date: 1938 Availability: Items available: [926.1 Her] (1),
177. Abe Lincoln in Illinois by Sherwood, Robert E. frey50 Publication: New York Charles Scribner's Sons 1939 . 250 p. Date: 1939 Availability: Items available: [812 She] (1),
178. The Best Plays of 1936-37   Publication: New York Dodd, Mead, and Company 1937 . 549 p. , Includes Index Date: 1937 Availability: Items available: [812 Bes] (1),
179. Alone by Byrd, Richard E. Publication: New York G. P. Putnam's Sons 1938 . ix, 296 p. Date: 1938 Availability: Items available: [919.9 Byr] (1),
180. The way of all flesh by Butler, Samuel frey50 Publication: New York Grosset & Dunlap . 490 p. Availability: Items available: [But] (1),