Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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121. The encyclopedia of witchcraft and demonology. by Robbins, Rossell Hope,frey50 Publication: New York, Crown Publishers 1959 . 571 p. 26 cm. Date: 1959 Availability: Items available: (),
122. Scimitar by Abbott, John Publication: New York Crown Publishers 1992 . 291 p. 24 cm. Date: 1992 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [Abb] (1),
123. Indian givers : by Weatherford, Jack Publication: New York, N.Y. : Crown Publishers, 1988 . x, 272 p. ; , Includes index. 24 cm. Date: 1988 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [970.00497 Wea] (1),
124. London by Rutherfurd, Edward Publication: New York Crown 1997 . 829 p. 25 cm. Date: 1997 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [Rut] (1),
125. Royal children by Clear, Celia. Publication: New York Crown Publishers 1984 . 128 p. : , Includes index. 31 cm. Date: 1984 Availability: Items available: [941.080922 Cle] (1),
126. The Country Life book of Diana, Princess of Wales/ by Leete-Hodge, Lornie Publication: New York : Crescent Books : | Distributed by Crown Publishers, 1982 . 192 p. : 31 cm. Date: 1982 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [941.085092 Lee] (1),
127. The story of the royal family by Coolican, Don. Publication: New York : Crown, 1981 . 383, [1] p. : 30 cm. Date: 1981 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [941.080922 Coo] (1),
128. Nostradamus and his prophecies by Leoni, Edgar Publication: New York Bell Pub. Co | Distributed by Crown Publishers, 1961 . 823 p., [8] p. of plates , Translation of Les propheties. | "Including all the Prophecies in French and English, with complete notes and indexes, a critical biography of Nostradamus, his will and personal letters, bibliography of Nostradamus and his commentators, historical, geographical, and genealogical background, a review of theories about him, his method and other supplementary material." | Reprint. Originally published: Nostradamus. New York : Exposition Press. 1961. | Includes index. 24 cm. Date: 1961 Availability: Items available: [133.3 Leo] (1),
129. The Irish fairy book / by 20160731 frey50 Publication: New York : Greenwich House : | Distributed by Crown Publishers, 1983 . xxi, 355 p. : 21 cm. Date: 1983 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [398.2109415 Iri] (1),
130. Living under glass: Sunrooms, Greenhouses, and Conservatories by Tresidder, Jane. frey50 Publication: New York : C.N. Potter : | Distributed by Crown Publishers, 1986 . ix, 166 p. : , Includes index. 29 cm. Date: 1986 Availability: Items available: [728.9 Tre] (1),
131. For the love of the game : by Jordan, Michael, frey50 Publication: New York : Crown Publishers, 1998 . 156 p. : 32 cm. Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: (),
132. The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom by Orman, Suze frey50 Publication: New York Crown Publishers, Inc. 1997 . viii, 290 p , Includes index. 24 cm. Date: 1997 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [332.024 Orm] (1),
133. Magic of a Mystic by St. Albans, Suzanne Mafrey50ele Bea Publication: New York, NY Clarkson N. Potter | Distributed by Crown Publishers, 1983 . xi, 207 p. 24 cm. Date: 1983 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [271.36024 Bea] (1),
134. Five complete novels by Grey, Zane Publication: New York Avenel Books : distributed by Crown Publishers 1980 . 786 p. 24 cm. Date: 1980 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [Gre] (1),
135. The Wall Street journal interactive edition's guide to online investing : by Pettit, Dave. frey50 Publication: New York : Crown Business, 2000 . vi, 342 p. : , Includes index. 25 cm. Date: 2000 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [332.6402854678 Pet] (1),
136. Angel Falls by Hannah, Kristin Publication: New York : Crown Publishers, 2000 . 274 p. ; 24 cm. Date: 2000 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [Han] (1),
137. Great book of the animal kingdom by 20160731 frey50 Publication: New York : Arch Cape Press : | [Distributed by Crown Publishers], 1982 . 400 p. : , "Compiled from the original Italian series Grande enciclopedia illustrata degli animali"--T.p. verso. | Includes index. 32 cm. Date: 1982 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [j591 Gra] (1),
138. The Lore of sportfishing by 20160731 frey50 Publication: New York : Crown Publishers, 1976 . 419 p. : , Includes indexes. 31 cm. Date: 1976 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [799.12 Lor] (1),
139. Albert Bierstadt by Hendricks, Gordon frey50 Publication: New York, NY Harrison House | Distributed by Crown Publishers, 1988 . 360 p. , Reprint. Originally published: New York : H.N. Abrams, 1974. | "Published by arrangement with Harry N. Abrams, Inc., in association with the Amon Carter Museum of Western Art." | Includes index. 28 x 30 cm. Date: 1988 Availability: Items available: [759.13 Hen] (1),
140. Slander : Liberal lies about the American right by Coulter, Ann H. frey50 Publication: New York : Crown, 2002 . 256 p. ; 25 cm. Date: 2002 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [320.520973 Cou] (1),