Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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161. Mr. Dooley remembers by Dunne, Finley Peter frey50 Publication: Boston Little, Brown and Company 1963 . 307 p. Date: 1963 Availability: Items available: [817 Dun ] (1),
162. The Oxford book of nineteenth-century English verse by 20160731 frey50 Publication: New York Oxford Press 1964 . 969 pages , Includes Index Date: 1964 Availability: Items available: [821.08 Oxf] (1),
163. American men of science, Vol. 1 by Cattell, Jaques, ed. frey50 Publication: Arizona State Univer 1962 Date: 1962 Availability: Items available: (1),
164. American men of science, Vol. 2 by Cattell, Jaques, ed. frey50 Publication: Arizona Press Univer 1962 Date: 1962 Availability: Items available: (1),
165. American men of science, Vol. 3 by Cattell, Jaques, ed. frey50 Publication: Arizona State Univer 1962 Date: 1962 Availability: Items available: (1),
166. American men of science, Vol. 4 by Cattell, Jaques, ed. frey50 Publication: Arizona State Univer 1962 Date: 1962 Availability: Items available: (1),
167. Grand opera by Simon, Henry W.,ed. frey50 Publication: Simon & Schuster 1946 Date: 1946 Availability: Items available: [782.1 Sim] (1),
168. Etchings of Rembrandt by Schild, Constance, ed.frey50 Publication: Garden City Pub. Co 1937 Date: 1937 Availability: Items available: [769 Sch] (1),
169. Passages From the Diary of Samuel Pepys / by Pepys, Samuel Publication: New York Random House 1926 . xvi, 330 p. Date: 1926 Availability: Items available: [921 Pep Pep] (1),
170. Faust by Goethe, Johann Wolfganfrey50 Publication: New York Thomas Y. Crowell Company . 455 p. Availability: Items available: Book Cart [831 Goe] (1),
171. Abraham Lincoln's stories and speeches by Lincoln, Abraham Publication: Memorial Rhodes and McClure Publishing Company 1899 . 477 p. Date: 1899 Availability: Items available: [973.7092 Lin] (1),
172. Riding with Coronado   Publication: Boston Little, Brown and Company 1964 . xiv, 107 p. , Includes Index Date: 1964 Availability: Items available: [j917.9 Rid] (1),
173. The Great Smokies and Blue Ridge;   Publication: New York The Vanguard Press 1943 . 372 p. , Includes Index Date: 1943 Availability: Items available: [917.68 Gre] (1),
174. The great short novels of Henry James by James, Henry frey50 Publication: New York Dial Press Inc. 1944 . 799 p. Date: 1944 Availability: Items available: [813.4 Jam] (1),
175. Jack London's tales of adventure by London, Jack Publication: Garden City, NY Hanover House 1956 . 532 p. Date: 1956 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [818.52 Lon] (1),
176. Jerusalem Delivered by Tasso, Torquato Publication: New York P.F. Collier & Son 1900 . 446 p. , Includes Glossary Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [851.46 Tas] (1),
177. Philosophy of Schopenhauer by Schopenhauer, Arthur Publication: New York Modern Library 1928 . xiv, 376 p. Date: 1928 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [193 Sch] (1),
178. Aesop: Five centuries of illus. fables. by McKendry, John J. ed frey50 Publication: New York NY Graphic Society 1964 . (unpaged) Date: 1964 Availability: Items available: [398 McK] (1),
179. The complete prohecies of Nostradamus by Roberts, Henry C. ed. frey50 Publication: Nostradamus, Inc. 1964 Date: 1964 Availability: Items available: (),
180. The man with the calabash pipe by La Farge, Oliver frey50 Publication: Boston Houghton Mifflin & Company 1966 . 246 p. , Selected from the author's weekly column in the New Mexican from 1950-1963. Date: 1966 Availability: Items available: [814.52 La F] (1),