Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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21. Typhoon / by Conrad, Joseph frey50 Publication: Garden City, New York Doubleday, Page & Co 1922 . 205 p. Date: 1922 Availability: Items available: [Con] (1),
22. Victory / by Conrad, Joseph frey50 Publication: Garden City, New York Doubleday, Page & Co 1922 . 462 p. Date: 1922 Availability: Items available: [Con] (1),
23. Western flower guide by Saunders, Charles Franfrey50 Publication: Doubleday, Page & Co 1917 Date: 1917 Availability: Items available: (),
24. The Purple Quest by Slaughter, Frank G. frey50 Publication: Doubleday & Co. 1965 Date: 1965 Availability: Items available: (1),
25. Guns of judgement day by Farrell, Cliff Publication: Garden City, New York Doubleday & Co 1967 . 160 p Date: 1967 Availability: Items available: [Far] (1),
26. World series: the games and the players. by Smith, Robert frey50 Publication: Doubleday & Co. 1967 Date: 1967 Availability: Items available: [y796.31 Smi] (1),
27. Tolstoy by Troyat, Henri Publication: Garden City, New York Doubleday & Co. 1967 . 791 p. , Includes Bibliography and Index Date: 1967 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [921 Tol Tro] (1),
28. Favorite poems of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow by Longfellow, Henry Wadsfrey50 Publication: Doubleday & Co. 1947 Date: 1947 Availability: Items available: [811 Lon] (1),
29. Quick-key Guide to Trees by Archbald, David, (Ph.Dfrey50 Publication: Doubleday & Co. 1967 Date: 1967 Availability: Items available: (),
30. Picasso and Company by Brassai frey50 Publication: Doubleday & Co 1966 Date: 1966 Availability: Items available: [759.6 Bra] (1),
31. The Korean War by Ridgway, Matthew B. Publication: Garden City, New York Doubleday & Co. 1967 . 291 p. , Includes Index and Bibliography Date: 1967 Availability: Items available: [951.9042 Rid] (1),
32. Wild runs the river by Lutz, Giles A. Publication: Garden City, New York Doubleday & Co 1968 . 210 p Date: 1968 Availability: Items available: [Lut] (1),
33. Hero for Henry by Purdum, Herbert R. Publication: Doubleday & Co 1968 . 215 p Date: 1968 Availability: Items available: [Pur] (1),
34. Jeremiah Thunder by Heifetz, Harold Publication: Doubleday & Co 1968 Date: 1968 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [Hei] (1),
35. Wolf to the slaughter by Rendell, Ruth Publication: Garden City, NY Doubleday & Co., 1967 . 215 p Date: 1967 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [Ren] (1),
36. Frederick Remington Book by McCracken, Harold Publication: Doubleday & Co. 1966 Date: 1966 Availability: Items available: [759.13 McC] (1),
37. Hunter's green by Whitney, Phyllis A. Publication: Doubleday & Co 1968 Date: 1968 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [Whi] (1),
38. Bulfinch's Mythology by Bulfinch, Thomas frey50 Publication: Garden City, New York Doubleday & Co. 1968 . xii, 383 p. Date: 1968 Availability: Items available: [292 Bul] (1),
39. My horses, my teachers by Podhajsky, Alois frey50 Publication: Doubleday & Co. 1968 Date: 1968 Availability: Items available: [y636.1 Pod] (1),
40. The Golden Isle by Slaughter, Frank G. frey50 Publication: Doubleday & Co. 1947 Date: 1947 Availability: Items available: (1),