Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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21. Orations Volume II   Publication: New York P.F. Collier & Son 1900 . 452 p. Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [815.08 Ora] (1),
22. Orations Of Demosthenes   Publication: New York P.F. Collier & Son 1900 . 448 p. Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [885.6 Ora] (1),
23. Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero by Cicero, Marcus Tillius Publication: New York P.F. Collier & Son 1900 . 446 p. Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [875 Cic] (1),
24. Essays of American Essayists   Publication: New York P.F.Collier & Son 1900 . 456 p. , Includes Biographical and critical Sketches Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [814.08 Ess] (1),
25. Essays of British Essayists Vol. I   Publication: New York P.F. Collier & Son 1900 . 447 p. Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [824] (1),
26. Essays of British Essayists, Vol II   Publication: New York P.F. Collier & Son 1900 . 456 p. Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: (),
27. Essays of French, German & Italian essayists   Publication: New York P.F. Collier & Son 1900 . 466 p. Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [808.4 Ess] (1),
28. The spirit of laws by Montesquieu, Baron D. Publication: New York P.F. Collier & Son 1900 . 439 p Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [320.1 Mon] (1),
29. The spirit of laws by Montesquieu, Baron D. Publication: New York P.F. Collier & Son 1900 . 439 p Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [320.1 Mon] (1),
30. French revolution a history by Carlyle, Thomas Publication: New York P.F.Collier & Son 1900 . 414 p. Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [944.04 Car] (1),
31. French revolution a History by Carlyle, Thomas Publication: New York P.F. Collier & Son 1900 . 401 p. Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [944.04 Car] (1),
32. Principles of political economy by Mill, John Stuart Publication: New York P.F. Collier & Son 1900 . 460 p. Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [330 Mil] (1),
33. Principles of political economy by Mill, John Stuart Publication: New York P.F. Collier & Son 1900 . 480 p. Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [330 Mil] (1),
34. History of the Popes by Ranke, Leopold von Publication: New York P.F. Collier & Son 1900 . 358 p. Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [262.1309 Ran] (1),
35. History of the Popes by Ranke, Leopod von Publication: New York P.F. Collier & Son 1900 . 396 p. Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [262.1309 Ran] (1),
36. History of the Popes by Ranke, Leopod von Publication: New York P.F. Collier & Son 1900 . 451 p. Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [262.1309 Ran] (1),
37. History of Florence by Machiavelli, Niccolo Publication: New York P. F. Collier & Son 1900 . 444 p. Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [945.5 Mac] (1),
38. Short history of the English people by Green, John Richard Publication: New York P.F. Collier & Son 1900 . 430 p. Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [942 Gre] (1),
39. Short history of the English people by Green, John Richard Publication: New York P.F. Collier & Son 1900 . 478 p. Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [808.8 Gre] (1),
40. Short history of the English people by Green, John Richard Publication: New York P.F. Collier & Son 1900 . 220 p. Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [942 Gre] (1),