Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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41. The Age of Louis XIV by Durant, Will Publication: New York Simon & Schuster 1963 . 802 p. , Includes Bibliography and Index Date: 1963 Availability: Items available: [940.22 Dur] (1),
42. Latin Literature in translation by Guinagh, Kevin frey50 Publication: New York David McKay Company, Inc 1952 . 821 p. , Includes folded map Date: 1952 Availability: Items available: [870.8 Gui] (1),
43. The native Americans. by Spencer, Robert F Publication: New York Harper & Row 1965 . 539 p , Includes Index and Bibliography Date: 1965 Availability: Items available: [970.1 Spe] (1),
44. Everyday life in Roman and Anglo-Saxon times by Quennell, Marjorie Publication: New York G.P. Putnam's Sons 1959 . 235 pages , Includes index Date: 1959 Availability: Items available: [913.42 Que] (1),
45. Coffee Tea or Me? by Baker, Trudy frey50 Publication: New York Bartholomew House Ltd. 1967 . 288 p. Date: 1967 Availability: Items available: [817 Bak] (1),
46. Deep valley by Aginsky, Burt W. and Ethel Publication: New York Stein & Day 1967 . 224 p. , Includes Bibliography Date: 1967 Availability: Items available: [970.3 Agi] (1),
47. Mission Monuments Of New Mexico by Hewett, Edgar L. frey50 Publication: Albuquergue, NM University of New Mexico Press 1943 . 269 p. Date: 1943 Availability: Items available: [R978.9 Hew] (1),
48. Gold rushes and mining camps of the early American West by Fisher, Vardis Publication: Caldwell, Idaho Caxton Printers 1968 . 466 p. , Includes Index and Bibliography Date: 1968 Availability: Items available: [978 Fis] (1),
49. Israel: by Feigenbaum, Lawrence H. Publication: Rand McNally & Company 1968 . 176 pages , Includes index Date: 1968 Availability: Items available: [915.694 Fei] (1),
50. New Zealand. by Rowe, James W. Publication: New York Frederick A. Praeger 1967 . 192 p , Includes Index and Bibliography Date: 1967 Availability: Items available: [993.1 Row] (1),
51. The border states by Dykeman, Wilma Publication: New York Time-Life Books 1968 . 192 pages , Includes Index Date: 1968 Availability: Items available: [917.5 Dyk] (1),
52. One man's dream: by Caiar, Ruth Publication: New York Pageant Press 1957 . 111 p. Date: 1957 Availability: Items available: [978.9 Cai] (1),
53. We Alcotts by Fisher, Aileen Publication: New York Atheneum 1968 . 278 p. Date: 1968 Availability: Items available: [jFis] (1),
54. 6,000 Miles Of Fence: by Duke, Cordia Sloan Publication: Austin, TX. University of Texas Press 1969 . 231 p. , Includes Index Date: 1969 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [976.4 Duk] (1),
55. A way of seeing by Mead, Margaret frey50 Publication: New York McCall Publishing Company 1970 . 335 p. Date: 1970 Availability: Items available: [814 Mea] (1),
56. A Navajo saga by Bennett, Kay Publication: San antonia, Texas Naylor Co. 1969 . 239 p. Date: 1969 Availability: Items available: [Ben] (1),
57. Laws of the territory of N.M. by Doniphan, Alexander W. Publication: Arthur Clark Co 1970 . 115 p. Date: 1970 Availability: Items available: [342 Don] (1),
58. Mission monuments of New Mexico by Hewett, Edgar L. Publication: Albuquerque, NM University of New Mexico Press 1943 . 269 p. , Series title in part at head of title. "Publication of the University of New Mexico and the School of American research." "Errata": p. [270]. Date: 1943 Availability: Items available: [978.9 Hew] (1),
59. Cow dust and saddle leather by Kemp, Ben W. Publication: Norman, OK Univ. of OK Press 1968 . xvii, 300 p. , Includes Index Date: 1968 Availability: Items available: [917.64035 Kem] (1),
60. Beloved Botanist by Stoutenburg, Adrien Publication: New York Charles Scribner's Sons 1961 . 192 p. Date: 1961 Availability: Items available: [j925.8 Sto] (1),