Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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41. A compilation of the messages and papers of the presidents by Richardson, J.D. Publication: New York Bureau of National Literature and Art 1905 . 690 p. , illustrations, frontispieces, plates, portraits Date: 1905 Availability: Items available: [353.05 Ric] (1),
42. A compilation of the messages and papers of the presidents by Richardson, J.D. Publication: New York Bureau of National Literature and Art, 1905 . 672 p. , illustrations, frontispieces, plates, portraits Date: 1905 Availability: Items available: [353.05 Ric] (1),
43. A compilation of the messages and papers of the presidents by Richardson, J.D. Publication: New York Bureau of National Literature and Art, 1905 . 758 p. , illustrations, frontispieces, plates, portraits Date: 1905 Availability: Items available: [353.05 Ric] (1),
44. A compilation of the messages and papers of the presidents by Richardson, J.D. Publication: New York Bureau of National Literature and Art, 1905 . 640 p. , illustrations, frontispieces, plates, portraits Date: 1905 Availability: Items available: [353.05 Ric] (1),
45. A compilation of the messages and papers of the presidents by Richardson, J.D. Publication: New York Bureau of National Literature and Art, 1905 , illustrations, frontispieces, plates, portraits Date: 1905 Availability: Items available: [353.05 Ric] (1),
46. A compilation of the messages and papers of the presidents by Richardson, J.D. Publication: New York Bureau of National Literature and Art, 1905 . 801 p. , illustrations, frontispieces, plates, portraits Date: 1905 Availability: Items available: [353.05 Ric] (1),
47. A compilation of the messages and papers of the presidents by Richardson, J.D. Publication: New York Bureau of National Literature and Art, 1905 . 892 p. , illustrations, frontispieces, plates, portraits Date: 1905 Availability: Items available: [353.05 Ric] (1),
48. The world's famous orations by 20160731 frey50 Publication: New York Funk and Wagnalls Co. 1906 . 885 Wor Date: 1906 Availability: Items available: [885 Wor] (1),
49. Stories By Foreign Authors: Vol. 3   Publication: New York Charles Scriener's sons 1900 . 163 p. Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [808.83 Sto] (1),
50. Stories By Foreign Authors: Vol. 5   Publication: New York Charles Scriener's sons 1900 . 221 p. Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [808.83 Sto] (1),
51. Stories By Foreign Authors: Vol. 6   Publication: New York Scribner's Sons 1900 . 168 p. Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [808.83 Sto] (1),
52. Stories By Foreign Authors: Vol. 7   Publication: New York Scribner's Sons 1900 . 193 p. Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [808.83 Sto] (1),
53. Stories By Foreign Authors: Vol. VIII   Publication: New York Scribner's Sons 1900 . 163 p. Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [808.83 Sto] (1),
54. Stories By Foreign Authors: Vol. IX   Publication: New York Scribner's Sons 1898 . 179 p. Date: 1898 Availability: Items available: [808.83 Sto] (1),
55. Stories By Foreign Authors: Vol. X   Publication: New York Scribner's Sons 1900 . 219 p. Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [808.83 Sto] (1),
56. The Romaces of Alexandre Dumas by Dumas, Alexandre frey50 Publication: New York P.F. Collier & Son 1910 . 616 p. Date: 1910 Availability: Items available: [843 Dum] (1),
57. A history of the American people. Vol. 1 by Wilson, Woodrow Publication: New York Harper & Brothers 1918 . 351 p. Date: 1918 Availability: Items available: [973 Wil] (1),
58. History of the American people Vol. 2 by Wilson, Woodrow Publication: New York Harper & Brothers 1918 . 326 p. Date: 1918 Availability: Items available: [973 Ell] (1),
59. History of the American people.Vol. III by Wilson, Woodrow Publication: New York Harper & Brothers 1918 . 343 p. Date: 1918 Availability: Items available: [973 Wil] (1),
60. History of the American people.Vol.4 by Wilson, Woodrow Publication: New York Harper & Brothers 1918 . 353 p. Date: 1918 Availability: Items available: [973 Wil] (1),