Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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461. The art of war by Sun Tzu Publication: Boston : | [New York] : Shambhala ; | Distributed in the United States by Random House, 1988 . viii, 172 pages ; , Translation of: Sunzi bing fa. 23 cm Date: 1988 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [355.02 Sun] (1),
462. Natural remedies : by Luengo, María Tránsito López Publication: New York : Skyhorse Publishing, 2019 . 237 pages : , Includes index. | "100 easy and practical recipes"--Cover. | Originally published in 2011 as Plantas Medicinales en Casa by Oceano, S.L. Previously published in the United States of America as Medicinal Plants at Home. 23 cm Date: 2019 Availability: Items available: [615.321 Lop] (1),
463. Alzheimer's, aromatherapy, and the sense of smell by Willem, Jean-Pierre Publication: Rochester, Vermont Healing Arts Press 2022 . 248 pages , "Originally published in French under the title Alzheimer & odorat: Quand les aromes restaurant la memoire: Une piste pour le traitement by Guy Tredaniel editeur"--Title page verso. 23 cm Date: 2022 Availability: Items available: [616.8311 Wil] (1),
464. The year that changed our world   Publication: London | New York, New York Thames & Hudson 2021 . 416 pages , Subtitle on cover: A photographic history of the COVID-19 pandemic. | Originally published as Pandemia by Agence France Presse, 2021. 29 cm Date: 2021 Availability: Items available: [779.93621962414 Yea] (1),
465. The divine comedy of Dante Alighieri by Alighieri, Dante Publication: New York P.F. Collier & Son 1909 . 428 pages : 21 cm. Date: 1909 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [852 Ali] (1),
466. The first part of the delightful history of the most ingenious knight Don Quixote of the Mancha by Cervantes, Miguel de Publication: New York P.F. Collier & Son 1937 . 519 pages : 22 cm. Date: 1937 Availability: Items available: [863.32 Cer] (1),
467. Last house before the mountain by Helfer, Monika Publication: New York Bloomsbury 2023 . 175 pages , First published in 2020 in Germany as Die Bagage by Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG. 21 cm. Date: 2023 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [Hel] (1),
468. Attack on Titan Vol. 1 by Isayama, Hajime Publication: New York Kodansha Comics 2012 . 1 volume (unpaged) , Cover title | "First published in Japan in 2010 by Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo as Shingeki no Kyojin, volume 1"--Colophon. | Item reads manga style, "from the right side to the left side, starting at the top right"--Colophon. 19 cm. Date: 2012 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [Isa] (1),
469. Attack on Titan Vol. 2 by Isayama, Hajime Publication: New York Kodansha Comics 2012 . 1 volume (unpaged) , Cover title. | "First published in Japan in 2010 by Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo as Shingeki no Kyojin, volume 2. 19 cm. Date: 2012 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [yIsa] (1),
470. Attack on Titan Vol. 3 by Isayama, Hajime Publication: New York Kodansha Comics 2012 . 1 volume (unpaged) , Translation of: Shingeki no Kyojin. | "First published in Japan in 2010 by Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo as Shingeki no Kyojin, volume 3"--Colophon. 19 cm. Date: 2012 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [yIsa] (1),
471. Attack on Titan Vol. 4 by Isayama, Hajime Publication: New York Kodansha Comics 2013 . 1 volume (unpaged) , "Originally published in Japan in 2011 by Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo." | Reads from right to left. 19 cm. Date: 2013 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [yIsa] (1),
472. Attack on Titan Vol. 5 by Isayama, Hajime Publication: New York Kodansha Comics 2013 . 1 volume (unpaged) , Reads from right to left. | Originally published: Japan : Kodansha Ltd. : 2011. 19 cm. Date: 2013 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [yIsa] (1),
473. Mob psycho 100 Volume 1 by ONE Publication: Milwaukie, OR Dark Horse Manga 2018 . 190 pages , Pages numbered from right to left. | Original Japanese edition published by SHOGAKUKAN. 19 cm Date: 2018 Availability: Items available: [One] (1),
474. Mob psycho 100 Volume 2 by ONE Publication: Milwaukie, OR Dark Horse Manga 2019 . 188 pages , Translated from the Japanese. | Translation of: Mob psycho 100. 2. | Reads from right to left. | "Original Japanese version published by SHOGAKUKAN."--Colophon 19 cm. Date: 2019 Availability: Items available: [One] (1),
475. Mob psycho 100 : Volume 3 by ONE Publication: Milwaukie OR Dark Horse Manga 2019 . 190 pages , Translated from the Japanese. | "Original Japanese edition published by SHOGAKUKAN."--Colophon | Reads from right to left. 19 cm Date: 2019 Availability: Items available: [One] (1),
476. Mob psycho 100 : Volume 4 by ONE Publication: Milwaukie, OR Dark Horse Manga 2020 . 190 pages , Translated from the Japanese. | "Original Japanese edition published by SHOGAKUKAN."--Colophon | Reads from right to left. 19 cm Date: 2020 Availability: Items available: [One] (1),
477. Mob psycho 100 : Volume 5 by ONE Publication: Milwaukie, OR Dark Horse Manga 2020 . 190 pages , "Original Japanese edition published by SHOGAKUKAN."--Colophon | Reads from right to left. 19 cm Date: 2020 Availability: Items available: [One] (1),
478. Killing moon by Nesb, Jo Publication: New York Alfred A. Knopf, 2023 . 489 pages , "This is a Borzoi book published by Alfred A. Knopf"--Title page verso. 25 cm. Date: 2023 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [Nes] (1),
479. Night house by Nesbo, Jo Publication: New York Alfred A. Knopf 2023 . 245 pages , "This is a Borzoi Book published by Alfred A. Knopf" -- Title page verso. | Originally published in Norway as Natthuset by H. Aschehoug & Co, Oslo, in 2023. This translation originally published in hardcover by Harvill Secker, an imprint of Vintage, a division of Penguin Random House Ltd., London in 2023. 22 cm Date: 2023 Availability: Items available: [Nes] (1),
480. Secrets we tell the sea by Palacio Obon, Martha Riva Publication: New York Bloomsbury Children's Books 2023 . 133 pages 22 cm Date: 2023 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [jPal] (1),