Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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1. Little minister. by Barrie, James M. frey50 Publication: New York Scribner's Sons 1896 . 510 p. Date: 1896 Availability: Items available: [Bar] (1),
2. Tommy and Grizel. by Barrie, James M. frey50 Publication: New York Charles Scribner's Sons 1900 . 288 p. Date: 1900 Availability: Items available: [Bar] (1),
3. Little white bird. by Barrie, James M. frey50 Publication: New York Charles Scribner's Sons 1902 . 286 p. Date: 1902 Availability: Items available: [Bar] (1),
4. Peter and Wendy : Margaret Ogilvy. by Barrie, James M. frey50 Publication: New York Charles Scribner's Sons 1915 . 352 p. Date: 1915 Availability: Items available: [Bar] (1),
5. Sentimental Tommy. by Barrie, James M. frey50 Publication: New York Scribner's Sons 1896 . 478 p. Date: 1896 Availability: Items available: [Bar] (1),
6. A window in Thrums. by Barrie, James M. frey50 Publication: London Hodder & Stoughton . 211 p. Availability: Items available: [Bar] (1),