Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Havill, Steven

Statute of limitations by Steven F. Havill - Spokane, WA Books in Motion 2006. - 9 audio discs (approximately 9.5 hr.) : digital ; 4 3/4 in. - - A Posadas County mystery bk. 4 .

Unabridged. Compact discs.

It's Christmas in Posadas County, and Undersheriff Estelle Reyes-Guzman is settling down to a quiet evening with her family and friend ex-Sheriff Bill Gastner, that is until her doctor husband gets a disturbing call. Retired chief-of-police Eduardo Martinez is calling from a nearby motel where he is having chest pains. Not nine minutes later Estelle gets a call that there has been an incident at the same motel. Estelle and ex-Sheriff Bill Gastner, arrive at the motel parking lot to find it has turned into a crime scene, and the body of the retired chief-of-police is at the center. It appears that Eduardo had an exchange with two men and then collapsed while the men took off in his car. An out-of-town couple are the only witnesses, but their story doesn't ring true.

1596075945 9781596075948

2594 Books in Motion

Reyes-Guzman, Estelle (Fictitious character)--Fiction.

Gastner, Bill (Fictitious character)--Fiction.
Reyes-Guzman, Estelle (Fictitious character)--Fiction.

New Mexico--Fiction.

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