D'Orta, Enrika
How to visit Pompeii : guide to the excavations with a general plan Pompeii [text, Piemme and Enrika D'Orta. - Pompeii : Falanga Edizioni Pompeiane, 1999. - [93] p. : col. ill. ; 21 cm.
Includes index.
Pompeii (Extinct city)
937.704929 D'Or 15
How to visit Pompeii : guide to the excavations with a general plan Pompeii [text, Piemme and Enrika D'Orta. - Pompeii : Falanga Edizioni Pompeiane, 1999. - [93] p. : col. ill. ; 21 cm.
Includes index.
Pompeii (Extinct city)
937.704929 D'Or 15