Delibas, Kayhan. frey50
The rise of political Islam in Turkey: Urban poverty, grassroots activism and Islamic fundamentalism. Print Kayhan Delibas. - London : I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd. 2014. - 288 p. Tables, diagrams, maps; b&w photos Hardback book - Library of Modern Turkey 10 . - .
Turkey, officially a secular state, voted in an Islamist party in 2002 and 2007. How far does this reflect the trend which has seen the rise of political Islam across the Middle East? Does this indicate a growing tendency in the direction of Islamisation amongst the Turkish population? If not, what are the underlying reasons behind the electoral triumphs of the Islamist Justice and Development Party (the AKP)? Kayhan Delibas seeks to answer these questions through an in-depth examination of the appeal of this political party, exploring its ideology, the routes and motives which produce party activists and local party organisations. Concluding that the AKP's success has been built on its criticism of growing inequalities, widespread corruption, unemployment, poverty and lack of basic services, Delibas draws a nuanced portrait of modern Turkish society and the relationship between religion and politics.
9781780765655 1780765657
AK Parti (Turkey)--History.
AK Parti (Turkey)
Islam and politics--Turkey.
Urban poor--Government policy--Turkey.
Islam and social problems--Turkey.
Islam and social problems.
Political science.
Turkey--Politics and government--1980-
320 Del 9
The rise of political Islam in Turkey: Urban poverty, grassroots activism and Islamic fundamentalism. Print Kayhan Delibas. - London : I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd. 2014. - 288 p. Tables, diagrams, maps; b&w photos Hardback book - Library of Modern Turkey 10 . - .
Turkey, officially a secular state, voted in an Islamist party in 2002 and 2007. How far does this reflect the trend which has seen the rise of political Islam across the Middle East? Does this indicate a growing tendency in the direction of Islamisation amongst the Turkish population? If not, what are the underlying reasons behind the electoral triumphs of the Islamist Justice and Development Party (the AKP)? Kayhan Delibas seeks to answer these questions through an in-depth examination of the appeal of this political party, exploring its ideology, the routes and motives which produce party activists and local party organisations. Concluding that the AKP's success has been built on its criticism of growing inequalities, widespread corruption, unemployment, poverty and lack of basic services, Delibas draws a nuanced portrait of modern Turkish society and the relationship between religion and politics.
9781780765655 1780765657
AK Parti (Turkey)--History.
AK Parti (Turkey)
Islam and politics--Turkey.
Urban poor--Government policy--Turkey.
Islam and social problems--Turkey.
Islam and social problems.
Political science.
Turkey--Politics and government--1980-
320 Del 9