Dwer, Wayn W.
Your erroneous zones Wayne W. Dyer - New York Funk & Wagnalls 1976 - 241 p.
Includes Index
Introduction: a personal statement -- Taking charge of yourself -- First love -- You don't need their approval -- Breaking free from the past -- The useless emotions: guilt and worry -- Exploring the unknown -- Breaking the barrier of convention -- The justice trap -- Putting an end to procrastination, now -- Declare your independence -- Farewell to anger -- Portrait of a person who has eliminated all erroneous zones.
Your Erroneous Zones will show you how happy -- or unhappy -- you really are and what you can do about it
Mental Health
Human Development
158.1 Dye 7
Your erroneous zones Wayne W. Dyer - New York Funk & Wagnalls 1976 - 241 p.
Includes Index
Introduction: a personal statement -- Taking charge of yourself -- First love -- You don't need their approval -- Breaking free from the past -- The useless emotions: guilt and worry -- Exploring the unknown -- Breaking the barrier of convention -- The justice trap -- Putting an end to procrastination, now -- Declare your independence -- Farewell to anger -- Portrait of a person who has eliminated all erroneous zones.
Your Erroneous Zones will show you how happy -- or unhappy -- you really are and what you can do about it
Mental Health
Human Development
158.1 Dye 7