Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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Women writers of the short story A collection of critical essays edited by Heather McClave - Prentice-Hall, Inc Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 1980 - 171 p.

Introduction / H. McClave -- The art of Jewett's Pointed firs / W. Berthoff -- Introduction to The collected short stories of Edith Wharton / R.W.B. Lewis -- Reflections on Willa Cather / K.A. Porter -- Willa Cather / L. Trilling -- Irony with a center : Katherine Anne Porter / R.P. Warren -- The eye of the story / E. Welty -- The world of love : the fiction of Eudora Welty / A.R. Jones -- Love and separateness in Eudora Welty / R.P. Warren -- Introduction to Everything that rises must converge / R. Fitzgerald -- Flannery O'Connor : a realist of distances / M.B. Quinn -- The other side of despair / T. Merton -- The visionary art of Flannery O'Connor / J.C. Oates.



Short stories, American --History and criticism
American fiction --Women authors--History and criticism
Women and literature United States.

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