Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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Modern American humor An Encyclopedia of Modern American Humor Edited by Bennett Cerf; Drawings by Doug Anderson - Garden City, NY Doubleday & Company, Inc. 1954 - 688 p. - An Encyclopedia of... .

On skating / Cornelia Otis Skinner -- The sexes / Dorothy Parker -- By any other name / Joe H. Palmer -- The odds were right / Joe H. Palmer -- How to guess your age / Corey Ford -- The office party / Corey Ford -- Excerpts from Father of the bride / Edward Streeter -- Ladies' wild / Robert Benchley -- The new snobbism / Russell Lynes -- From host to guest in one generation / J.P. McEvoy -- Quigley 873 / Frank Sullivan -- A weekend with the angels / E.B. White -- Prep schools / Charles W. Morton -- Fishing stories / Charles W. Morton -- Inflexible logic / Russell Maloney -- Newport : of cottages and queens (abridged) / Cleveland Amory -- Mammon and the archer / O. Henry -- Man about town / O. Henry -- Father wakes up the village / Clarence Day -- From the diary of a New York lady / Dorothy Parker -- The rather difficult case of Mr. K*a*p*l*a*n / Leonard Q. Ross -- Liberty Hall / Ring Lardner -- Sit still / Ring Lardner -- Blood pressure / Damon Runyon -- The free lance / Wolcott Gibbs -- Chocolate for the woodwork / Arthur Kober -- New York is mostly people / H. Allen Smith --An interesting cure / Frank Sullivan -- The artful Dodgers / Bennett Cerf -- The Jollity Building (abridged) / A.J. Liebling -- Benny and the bird-dogs / Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings -- The wonderful tar baby / Joel Chandler Harris -- Journalism in Tennessee / Mark Twain -- Excerpts from Ol' man Adam an' his chillun / Roark Bradford -- A small day / Erskine Caldwell -- The legendary Mizners and the Florida boom (abridged) / Alva Johnston -- Petrified man / Eudora Welty -- Excerpts from No time for sergeants / Mac Hyman -- The night the bed fell / James Thurber -- The night the ghost got in / James Thurber -- Pigs is pigs / Ellis Parker Butler -- Mr. Frisbie / Ring Lardner -- Cincinnati and I / Emily Kimbrough -- Excerpts from Barefoot boy with cheek / Max Shulman -- Frolics and follies / Will Rogers -- Taking the cure, by the shores of Cat Creek / Will Rogers -- Edgar and the dank morass / George Sessions Perry. An innocent in Texas / Frank Sullivan -- A Texas sampler / the editor -- An ingenue of the Sierras / Bret Harte -- Strictly from hunger / S.J. Perelman -- Life among these unforgettable characters / John O'Hara -- It's time somebody said a word for California / Will Rogers -- An excerpt from W.C. Fields : his follies and fortunes / Robert Lewis Taylor -- There'll always be a cable car / Herb Caen -- An excerpt from The egg and I / Betty MacDonald -- The Whiskey Rebellion / David Ogden Stewart -- Waiting for Santy / S.J. Perelman -- The keeper of the gelded unicorn / Ira Wallach -- Shad Ampersand / Wolcott Gibbs -- Across the street and into the grill / E.B. White -- Signal service / Franklin P. Adams -- Baseball player / Franklin P. Adams -- Frequently / Franklin P. Adams -- Advice to young men / Franklin P. Adams -- Miniature / Richard Armour -- 'Tis the night (late) before Christmas / Richard Armour -- Ambition / Morris Bishop -- Merry old souls / Morris Bishop -- Mia Carlotta / T.A. Daly -- On hearing French children speack French / Irwin Edman -- Notes on geriatrics / Irwin Edman. Hell's bells / Margaret Fishback -- Attention : sunburn enthusiasts / Margaret Fishback -- Infant prodigy / Margaret Fishback -- Anthologistics / Arthur Guiterman -- Poems in praise of practically nothing / Samuel Hoffenstein -- Thais / Newman Levy -- Highboy, lowboy, oboy! / David McCord -- Epitaph on a waiter / David McCord -- To a certain certainly certain critic / David McCord -- I hate bachelors / Phyllis McGinley -- This one's about two Irishmen, or Oliver Ames is a raconteur / Phyllis McGinley -- Excerpts from Archy and Mehitabel / Don Marquis -- What's the matter, haven't you got any sense of humor? / Ogden Nash -- Genealogical reflection / Ogden Nash -- Song of the open road / Ogden Nash -- Reflections on ice-breaking / Ogden Nash -- Reflections on babies / Ogden Nash -- The rabbits / Ogden Nash -- The panther / Ogden Nash -- The termite / Ogden Nash -- What's the use? / Ogden Nash -- My daddy / Ogden Nash -- Unfortunate coincidence / Dorothy Parker. Song of one of the girls / Dorothy Parker -- Parable for a certain virgin / Dorothy Parker -- Bohemia / Dorothy Parker -- The last scene from The front page / Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur -- The opening scene from The man who came to dinner / Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman -- A scene from act II of Life with father / Howard Lindsay and Russel Crouse -- Jack Benny vs. Fred Allen -- W.C. Fields vs. Charlie McCarthy -- Excerpts from Out of the blue / John Crosby -- Dr. Kronkhite / A vaudeville classic -- Show cases / the editor -- One legend less / Robert Benchley -- The baby party / F. Scott Fitzgerald -- Excerpts from Nize baby / Milt Gross -- Excerpts from It's all in the family / Margaret Miller -- Charles / Shirley Jackson -- An excerpt from My sister Eileen / Ruth McKenney -- Happy birthday / John Mason Brown -- An excerpt from Junior miss / Sally Benson -- Memories of Miss Mandelbaum / Al Capp -- An excerpt from We shook the family tree / Hildegarde Dolson -- Excerpts from Gentlemen prefer blondes / Anita Loos -- Excerpts from Mr. and Mrs. Haddock abroad / Donald Ogden Stewart -- A night of terror / Mark Twain -- Gendarmes and the man / Donald Moffat -- Some heady phrases on wine / Art Buchwald -- Other voices, other wines / Art Buchwald -- Carnival week in sunny Las Los / Robert Benchley -- The idol's eye / S.J. Perelman -- Cure / Wolcott Gibbs -- The birthmark (from Mr. Roberts) / Thomas Heggen -- Mary, Queen of Scots / Guy Gilpatric.

A collection of humors short stories.


American wit and humor

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