Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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1. The Major works of Sigmund Freud by Freud, Sigmund frey50 Publication: Chicago, Illinois Encyclopedia Britannica 1952 . 884 p. , Includes Biographical Note Date: 1952 Availability: Items available: [800 Fre] (1),
2. The Freud reader by Freud, Sigmund Publication: New York W. Norton 1989 . 832 p. Date: 1989 Availability: Items available: [150.1952 Fre] (1),
3. Basic writings of Sigmund Freud by Freud, Sigmund Publication: New York, The Modern library 1938 . vi, 1001 p. , "First Modern library edition, 1938." 21 cm. Date: 1938 Availability: Items available: [131.3462 Fre] (1),
4. Autobiographical study by Freud, Sigmund Publication: New York Norton 1989 . XXIII, 95 p. Date: 1989 Availability: Items available: [150.95 Fre] (1),