Dr. Strangelove, or, How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb [videorecording]
Dr. Strangelove How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb Doctor Strangelove
Columbia Pictures presents a Stanley Kubrick production ; screenplay by Stanley Kubrick, Terry Southern & Peter George ; directed and produced by Stanley Kubrick.
- 40th anniversary special ed.
- Culver City, Calif. : Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment, [2004]
- 2 videodiscs (ca. 95 min.) : sd., b&w with col. sequences ; 4 3/4 in. + 1 booklet.
Originally produced as a motion picture in 1964. Based on the book, Red alert, by Peter George. Anamorphic widescreen presentation (1.66:1). Accompanying booklet contains essay by Roger Ebert and original production stills. Special features include split screen interviews with Peter Sellers and George C. Scott, filmographies, theatrical advertising gallery, previews, and documentaries (No fighting in the war room, or, Dr. Strangelove and the nuclear threat; Inside Dr. Strangelove, or, How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb; Best sellers, or, Peter Sellers and Dr. Strangelove; The art of Stanley Kubrick, from short films to Strangelove; An interview with Robert McNamara).
Disc 1. Feature film -- disc 2. Special features.
In this dark comedy, chaos erupts when a general orders an attack on the Russians, which subsequently will trigger the Russian "Doomsday Device." The President and his aides struggle to find a way to stop the impending doom.
1404946160 9781404946163
02616 Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment
Cold War
Nuclear warfare
United States--Foreign relations--Soviet Union
Soviet Union--Foreign relations--United States
Dr. 35
Originally produced as a motion picture in 1964. Based on the book, Red alert, by Peter George. Anamorphic widescreen presentation (1.66:1). Accompanying booklet contains essay by Roger Ebert and original production stills. Special features include split screen interviews with Peter Sellers and George C. Scott, filmographies, theatrical advertising gallery, previews, and documentaries (No fighting in the war room, or, Dr. Strangelove and the nuclear threat; Inside Dr. Strangelove, or, How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb; Best sellers, or, Peter Sellers and Dr. Strangelove; The art of Stanley Kubrick, from short films to Strangelove; An interview with Robert McNamara).
Disc 1. Feature film -- disc 2. Special features.
In this dark comedy, chaos erupts when a general orders an attack on the Russians, which subsequently will trigger the Russian "Doomsday Device." The President and his aides struggle to find a way to stop the impending doom.
1404946160 9781404946163
02616 Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment
Cold War
Nuclear warfare
United States--Foreign relations--Soviet Union
Soviet Union--Foreign relations--United States
Dr. 35