Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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1. Mrs. Jeepers is missing / by Dadey, Debbie. frey50 Publication: New York : Scholastic Inc., 1996 . 97 p. : , "A little apple paperback." | "The Adventures of the Bailey School kids"--Cover. 19 cm. Date: 1996 Availability: Items available: (),
2. Dracula doesn't play kickball by Dadey, Debbie Publication: New York : Scholastic, 2004 . 70 p. : , "Little apple." | "A Little Apple paperback." 20 cm. Date: 2004 Availability: Items available: Book Cart (1),
3. September sneakers by Roy, Ron Publication: New York : Random House, 2013 . 64 p. : , "A Stepping Stone Book." | "With the younger siblings of the A to Z mysteries kids!"--Cover. 20 cm. Date: 2013 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [jRoy] (1),
4. October ogre by Roy, Ron Publication: New York : Random House, 2013 . 68 p. : , "A Stepping Stone book." | "With the younger siblings of the A to Z mysteries kids!"--Cover. 20 cm. Date: 2013 Availability: Items available: Book Cart [jRoy] (1),