Hazlitt, William frey50
Lectures on the English Poets and the English Comic Writers William Hazlitt; Edited by William Carew Hazlitt - London G. Bell and Sons, LTD. 1912 - 232 p. - Bohn's Libraries .
The English Poets On poetry in general - On Chaucer and spenser - On Shakspeare and Milton - Ond Dryden and Pope - On Thomson and Cowper - On Writers of Pastoral - On Gay, Swift, Young, and Collins - On Chatterton - On Burns - On the Old English Ballads - On the Modern Poets The Comic Writers Introduction - On wit and humor - On shakspear and Ben Jonson - On Cowley, Butler, Suckling, & etc. - On Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh, and Farquhar - On Periodical Essayists - On the English Novelists - On the works of Hogarth - The comic writers of the last century
English Poetry--History and criticism
820.4 Haz 14
Lectures on the English Poets and the English Comic Writers William Hazlitt; Edited by William Carew Hazlitt - London G. Bell and Sons, LTD. 1912 - 232 p. - Bohn's Libraries .
The English Poets On poetry in general - On Chaucer and spenser - On Shakspeare and Milton - Ond Dryden and Pope - On Thomson and Cowper - On Writers of Pastoral - On Gay, Swift, Young, and Collins - On Chatterton - On Burns - On the Old English Ballads - On the Modern Poets The Comic Writers Introduction - On wit and humor - On shakspear and Ben Jonson - On Cowley, Butler, Suckling, & etc. - On Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh, and Farquhar - On Periodical Essayists - On the English Novelists - On the works of Hogarth - The comic writers of the last century
English Poetry--History and criticism
820.4 Haz 14