Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Herring, Hubert

History of Latin America. From Beginnings to the Present by Hurbert Herring - New York A. Knopf 1955 - 796 p. Index xxvi

Includes Index

1. This land, this people. --
2. The Indian background. --
3. The Iberian background. --
4. The African background. --
5. Discovery and conquest. --
6. Introducing the Spanish colonial period. --
7. Spain's government in America: kings, viceroys, and other important people. --
8. The church in Spanish America. --
9. Man, his land, and his labor in Spanish America. --
10. The getting and the spending: the economic life of Spanish America. --
11. The formation of Spanish American culture. --
12. The Portuguese empire in Brazil.

13. The tumult of revolution. --
14. Mexico's war for independence. --
15. The independence of Spanish South America. --
16. The independence of Brazil. --
17. From war to peace. --
18. Introducing Mexico. --
19. The era of Santa Anna, 1821-55. --
20. The era of Benito Juárez, 1855-76. --
21. The era of Porfirio Diáz, 1876-1910. --
22. Revolution, 1910-20. --
23. Reconstruction: The era of Obregón, Calles, and Cárdenas, 1920-40. --
24. Mexico turns to the right, 1940-. --
25. Cuba. --
26. Haiti. --
27. The Dominican Republic. --
28. Central America and Panama. --
29. Venezuela. --
30. Columbia. --
31. Ecuador. --
32. Peru. --
33. Bolivia. --
34. Chile: the formative years, 1810-91. --
35. Chile's evolution since 1891. --
36. Argentina: land and people.

37. --
Argentina: the years of tumult, 1810-29. --
38. Argentina: the tyranny of Juan Manuel de Rosas, 1829-52. --
39. Creation of the Argentine nation, 1852-90. --
40. Argentina: the radicals, 1890-1930. --
41. Argentina: the old regime returns, 1930-43. --
42. Argentina: the era of Juan Domingo Perón, 1943-55. --
43. Argentina after Perón, 1955-. --
44. Uruguay. --
45. Paraguay. --
46. Brazil: land and people. --
47. The empire of Brazil: Pedro I, 1822-31. --
48. The empire: the regency and Pedro II, 1831-41. --
49. The empire: Pedro II, 1841-89. --
50. The first republic, 1889-1930. --
51. The era of Getulio Vargas, 1930-45. --
52. The second republic, 1945-. --
53. Latin America and the United States, 1810-95. --
54. Latin America and the United States, 1895-1946. --
55. Latin America and the United States, 1946-



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