Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Alderfer, Jonathan K. frey50

National Geographic backyard guide to the birds of North America / Backyard guide to the birds of North America Backyard birds Jonathan Alderfer and Paul Hess. - Washington, D.C. : National Geographic, c2011. - 254 p. : col. ill., col. maps ; 21 cm.

Color index -- How to use this book -- Backyard basics -- Bird-watching -- Where & when -- Feeding birds -- Birdhouses -- Bird-friendly yards -- Birding skills -- Citizen science -- Guide to 150 species -- Ducks, geese, & swans -- New world quail -- New world vultures -- Hawks, kites & eagles -- Falcons -- Plovers -- Gulls -- Pigeons & doves -- Cuckoos -- Typical owls -- Goatsuckers -- Hummingbirds -- Swifts -- Woodpeckers -- Tyrant flycatchers -- Vireos -- Crows & jays -- Swallows -- Chickadees & titmice -- Verdin -- Bushtit -- Nuthatches -- Wrens -- Creepers -- Gnatcatchers -- Kinglets -- Thrushes -- Mockingbirds & thrashers -- Waxwings -- Wood-warblers -- Towhees & sparrows -- Cardinals, tanagers, & grosbeaks -- Starlings -- Blackbirds, grackles, & orioles -- Finches -- Old world sparrows -- Appendix -- Glossary -- Acknowledgments -- Additional reading -- Art credits -- Index.

Book Description: Series: Essential for the estimated 62 million Americans who watch and feed birds in their backyards - from the experts at National Geographic and co-author of the popular and perennial best seller Field Guide to the Birds of North America. No matter where you live - in the country, city, a high-rise or house - this handy guide will quench your curiosity about the feathered creatures in your midst. It features 150 of the most common and interesting birds likely to be observed at backyard feeders, nesting nearby or just migrating through. An indispensable visual index of all 150 species appears on the inside front and back laminated covers, making identification a snap. Beginning with Backyard Basics, an easy-to-follow, richly illustrated presentation on observing and identifying birds - with tips on attracting and feeding your favorite birds, birdhouses, and bird-friendly landscapes to entice nesting - the book is full of National Geographic's iconic field guide images and maps. Core species on everyone's list - such as robins, woodpeckers, bluebirds and chickadees - are featured in two-page spreads including practical tips with additional imagery. Sidebars captivate with interesting and little known facts.

9781426207204 (trade paper : alk. paper) 1426207204 (trade paper : alk. paper)


Birds--North America.
Birds--North America
Bird attracting--North America.
Birds--North America.
Birds--North America
Bird attracting--North America.

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