Bogel, Anne
I'd rather be reading : the delights and dilemmas of the reading life I would rather be reading Delights and dilemmas of the reading life Anne Bogel ; Illustrations by David Holmes - Grand Rapids, Michigan BakerBooks, a division of Baker Publishing Group 2018 - 156 pages 18 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 151-153).
Introduction: The pages of our lives -- Confess your literary sins -- The books that find you -- I'm begging you to break my heart -- The books next door -- Hooked on the story -- My inner circle -- Life imitates art -- How to organize your bookshelves -- Book bossy -- Bookworm problems -- The readers I have been -- What I need is a deadline -- Keep reading -- A reader's coming of age -- Bookseller for a day -- Book twins -- Again, for the first time -- Book people -- Take me back -- Windows to the soul -- I'd rather be reading.
"Reading isn't just a way to pass the time -- it's a lifestyle. Books shape, define, and enchant us. They are part of who we are and we can't imagine life without them. In this collection of charming and relatable reflections, beloved blogger and author Anne Bogel leads you to remember the book that first hooked you, the place where you first fell in love with reading, and all the books and moments afterward that helped make you the reader you are today." -- Back cover.
9780801072925 0801072921
Books and reading
Literary Criticism --Books & Reading
Self-Help --Personal Growth
Z1003 / .B685 2018
028.9 Bog 6
I'd rather be reading : the delights and dilemmas of the reading life I would rather be reading Delights and dilemmas of the reading life Anne Bogel ; Illustrations by David Holmes - Grand Rapids, Michigan BakerBooks, a division of Baker Publishing Group 2018 - 156 pages 18 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 151-153).
Introduction: The pages of our lives -- Confess your literary sins -- The books that find you -- I'm begging you to break my heart -- The books next door -- Hooked on the story -- My inner circle -- Life imitates art -- How to organize your bookshelves -- Book bossy -- Bookworm problems -- The readers I have been -- What I need is a deadline -- Keep reading -- A reader's coming of age -- Bookseller for a day -- Book twins -- Again, for the first time -- Book people -- Take me back -- Windows to the soul -- I'd rather be reading.
"Reading isn't just a way to pass the time -- it's a lifestyle. Books shape, define, and enchant us. They are part of who we are and we can't imagine life without them. In this collection of charming and relatable reflections, beloved blogger and author Anne Bogel leads you to remember the book that first hooked you, the place where you first fell in love with reading, and all the books and moments afterward that helped make you the reader you are today." -- Back cover.
9780801072925 0801072921
Books and reading
Literary Criticism --Books & Reading
Self-Help --Personal Growth
Z1003 / .B685 2018
028.9 Bog 6