McCarty, John L.
Maverick town: The story of old Tascosa Print John L. McCarty; Illustrations by Harold D. Bugbee - Norman, OK University of Oklahoma Press 1946 - 260 p. Bibliography; Index; Chapter illustrations. Hardback book.
Includes Index and Bibliography
This is the story of Tacosa, Texas, once a great open range town. Now a ghost town, this history shows the manner of men who settled the West and discloses the effect of a succession of cultures on the land.
Open range history.--History - Old west.
Texas Panhandle.--Old Tascosa.
Tascosa (Tex.) --History.
976.4824 McC 48
Maverick town: The story of old Tascosa Print John L. McCarty; Illustrations by Harold D. Bugbee - Norman, OK University of Oklahoma Press 1946 - 260 p. Bibliography; Index; Chapter illustrations. Hardback book.
Includes Index and Bibliography
This is the story of Tacosa, Texas, once a great open range town. Now a ghost town, this history shows the manner of men who settled the West and discloses the effect of a succession of cultures on the land.
Open range history.--History - Old west.
Texas Panhandle.--Old Tascosa.
Tascosa (Tex.) --History.
976.4824 McC 48