Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Homer frey50

The Iliad by Homer; tranlated by Robert Fitzgerald; Illustrated by Hans Erni - New York Doubleday & Company, Inc. 1974 - 594 p.

Book One: Quarrel, Oath and Promise;

"When Paris of Troy fell in love with Helen of Sparta and took her to his homeland, the princes of Greece launched a fleet of a thousand ships filled with armed men to bring her back. Led by Helen's brother-in-law, Agamemnon, this immense force would besiege Troy for 10 years in a staggering effort to rescue the princess. The Iliad is the story of Achilles, the greatest warrior of this decade-long war, and his desperate but ultimately futile battle against the once magnificent city."--Container.

Achilles -- (Mythological character) -- Poetry
Epic poetry, Greek --Translations into English
Trojan War -- Poetry

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