Benchley, Robert frey50
Chips off the old Benchley Robert Benchley; Intoduction by Frank Sullivan; Drawings by Gluyas Williams - New York Harper & Brothers Publishers 1949 - 360 p.
Introduction - The new bone dust theory of behavior - Bayeux Christmas presents early - The last of the Heath Hens - on or before March 15 - The menace of buttered toast - A belated tribute - Art revolution No. 4861 - Ding Dong, School Bells - My five (or Maybe Six) year plan - Boost New York! - Advice to gangsters - "He travels fastest" - "Greetings from" - So you're going to New York - Future man: Tree or Mammal? - Encore - Sporting life in America watching - Sporting life in a America Turkish bathing - Take a letter, please - The mysteries of radio - your boy and his dog - Good luck - safety second - Tiptoeing down Memory Lane - What time is it - Do I hear Twenty Thousand - Imagination in the bathroom - Music heavenly maid - Perrine's return - Books and other things - Browsing through the passport - Memoirs - looking at picture books - Old days in New bottles - The lure of the rod - Good luck, and try and get it - The letter box - How to travel in peace - Down in front - confession - on saying little at great length - The dying thesaurus - Brain Fag - Plans for Eclipse day - In the beginning - Are you an old master? - Bid lore - The United States Senate Chamber - The first Pigeon of Spring - Vox Populi _ Why I am pale - My own arrangement - Hey, Waiter! - How to get things done - Morale in Banking - The questionnaire craze - Home sweet home - Literary notes - The correspondent school linguist - Learn to write - Knowing the flowers - A warning note in the Matter of Preparedness - My subconscious - Professional Pride - A writers' code - Doing your bit in the garden - Picking French Pastry: a Harder game than chess - Teh perfect audience - Writers, Right or wrong! - Your change - Inter office Memo - The dear dead table dHote Days - Mea Culpa - "One hundred years ago today" - A word about hay fever - A bas the military censor - Why does nobody collect me?
Chips off the Old Benchley represents some of the most inspired writing the Old Master ever die; it is Benchley at his best, in his most wayward, unpredictable and hilarious moods.
American wit and humor
817.5 Ben 14
Chips off the old Benchley Robert Benchley; Intoduction by Frank Sullivan; Drawings by Gluyas Williams - New York Harper & Brothers Publishers 1949 - 360 p.
Introduction - The new bone dust theory of behavior - Bayeux Christmas presents early - The last of the Heath Hens - on or before March 15 - The menace of buttered toast - A belated tribute - Art revolution No. 4861 - Ding Dong, School Bells - My five (or Maybe Six) year plan - Boost New York! - Advice to gangsters - "He travels fastest" - "Greetings from" - So you're going to New York - Future man: Tree or Mammal? - Encore - Sporting life in America watching - Sporting life in a America Turkish bathing - Take a letter, please - The mysteries of radio - your boy and his dog - Good luck - safety second - Tiptoeing down Memory Lane - What time is it - Do I hear Twenty Thousand - Imagination in the bathroom - Music heavenly maid - Perrine's return - Books and other things - Browsing through the passport - Memoirs - looking at picture books - Old days in New bottles - The lure of the rod - Good luck, and try and get it - The letter box - How to travel in peace - Down in front - confession - on saying little at great length - The dying thesaurus - Brain Fag - Plans for Eclipse day - In the beginning - Are you an old master? - Bid lore - The United States Senate Chamber - The first Pigeon of Spring - Vox Populi _ Why I am pale - My own arrangement - Hey, Waiter! - How to get things done - Morale in Banking - The questionnaire craze - Home sweet home - Literary notes - The correspondent school linguist - Learn to write - Knowing the flowers - A warning note in the Matter of Preparedness - My subconscious - Professional Pride - A writers' code - Doing your bit in the garden - Picking French Pastry: a Harder game than chess - Teh perfect audience - Writers, Right or wrong! - Your change - Inter office Memo - The dear dead table dHote Days - Mea Culpa - "One hundred years ago today" - A word about hay fever - A bas the military censor - Why does nobody collect me?
Chips off the Old Benchley represents some of the most inspired writing the Old Master ever die; it is Benchley at his best, in his most wayward, unpredictable and hilarious moods.
American wit and humor
817.5 Ben 14