Kloss, Phillips Wray
Taos chant Phillips Kloss - San Antonio, Texas Naylor Company 1974 - 81 p.
Dawn in Monument Valley- Chaco Canyon- Grinding Stone- Basic Belief- Herophilus- Sandstorm Speculation with Victor Higgins- Soliloquy on Worth- Spanish Agnostic- Old Nicolas- Calypso Glade- Olive-Backed Thrush- Skylark in the Catnip- Water Ouzel- Fragrances- Paeonic Interception- Origin Myth- Taos Turtle Dance- Taos Deer Dance- The Piro Connection- Tsiping- Boundary Mark- The Mongolian Navajo-Apache Invaders- Ishi's Face-Riana Petroglyphs- Mudball Ruin- Memoir of the Old-Time Artists- The Psychopathic Label- Camera Copyists- Fad Followers- The Twin Curse of Art- Analogy to Music- Martin Hennings- Swan Song- Mahualukimo- The Great Plains- Dusty Dragoon, Pious Quaker- Aspiration- Constancy- The Woman in the Woods- That's Karl, My Husband- Minister- Starting Point- Desert Datura- The Sonata in D Minor- Moral of the Caterpillar Story- Taos Lightning- Good Bread- Skystone- Morning Star- The Flute Maker- Winter Sonnet- Cedar and Sage
American Poetry Southwest --20th Century
Toas, New Mexico--Southwest
811.52 Klo 14
Taos chant Phillips Kloss - San Antonio, Texas Naylor Company 1974 - 81 p.
Dawn in Monument Valley- Chaco Canyon- Grinding Stone- Basic Belief- Herophilus- Sandstorm Speculation with Victor Higgins- Soliloquy on Worth- Spanish Agnostic- Old Nicolas- Calypso Glade- Olive-Backed Thrush- Skylark in the Catnip- Water Ouzel- Fragrances- Paeonic Interception- Origin Myth- Taos Turtle Dance- Taos Deer Dance- The Piro Connection- Tsiping- Boundary Mark- The Mongolian Navajo-Apache Invaders- Ishi's Face-Riana Petroglyphs- Mudball Ruin- Memoir of the Old-Time Artists- The Psychopathic Label- Camera Copyists- Fad Followers- The Twin Curse of Art- Analogy to Music- Martin Hennings- Swan Song- Mahualukimo- The Great Plains- Dusty Dragoon, Pious Quaker- Aspiration- Constancy- The Woman in the Woods- That's Karl, My Husband- Minister- Starting Point- Desert Datura- The Sonata in D Minor- Moral of the Caterpillar Story- Taos Lightning- Good Bread- Skystone- Morning Star- The Flute Maker- Winter Sonnet- Cedar and Sage
American Poetry Southwest --20th Century
Toas, New Mexico--Southwest
811.52 Klo 14