Lasswell, Mary
I'll take Texas Mary Lasswell; Collaboration with Bob Pool; Illustrations by Jo Alys Downs - Boston Houghton Mifflin Company 1958 - 376 p.
You can go home again : The big middle : The shadow of Spain : The big bend : The youngest frontier : The unwholly intellectuals : The plains from the sky : The big thicket : The land and the man : The hell-ridin' stars : Texas, take it of leave it
This book is the portrait of a Texas truly learned by heart, the real Texas that lies behind the too familiar backdrop of oil rigs and Cadillacs.
Description and travel Texas
917.64 Las 48
I'll take Texas Mary Lasswell; Collaboration with Bob Pool; Illustrations by Jo Alys Downs - Boston Houghton Mifflin Company 1958 - 376 p.
You can go home again : The big middle : The shadow of Spain : The big bend : The youngest frontier : The unwholly intellectuals : The plains from the sky : The big thicket : The land and the man : The hell-ridin' stars : Texas, take it of leave it
This book is the portrait of a Texas truly learned by heart, the real Texas that lies behind the too familiar backdrop of oil rigs and Cadillacs.
Description and travel Texas
917.64 Las 48