Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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1. A Bronco Pegasus by Lummis, Charles F. Publication: New York Houghton Mifflin Company 1928 . 149 p. Date: 1928 Availability: Items available: [811.49 Lum] (1), (1),
2. The Spanish Pioneers and the California missions by Lummis, Charles F. Publication: Chicago A. C. McClurg & Co. 1929 . 343 p Date: 1929 Availability: Items available: [973.16 Lum] (1),
3. Mesa, Canon and Pueblo by Lummis, Charles F. Publication: New York D. Appleton-Century Company 1925 . 515 p. Date: 1925 Availability: Items available: [917.8 Lum] (1), Book Cart [917.8 Lum] (1),
4. Some Strange Corners Of Our Country by Lummis, Charles F. Publication: New York Century Co. 1903 . 270 p Date: 1903 Availability: Items available: [917.9 Lum] (1),
5. New Mexico David by Lummis, Charles F. frey50 Publication: New York Charles Scribner's Sons 1930 . 217 p. , Stories of New Mexico. Date: 1930 Availability: Items available: [Lum] (1),