Magoffin, Susan Shelbyfrey50
Down the Santa Fe Trail & into Mexico: The diary of Susan Shelby Magoffin 1846-1847 / Susan Shelby Magoffin - New Haven, Ct. Yale University Press 1962 (1926) - 294 p. B&w photographs & illus.; map; appendix; bibliography; index
In 1846 Susan Magoffin, eighteen years old and recently married, set out with her husband, a veteran Santa Fe trader, from Independence, Missouri on a trading adventure. This was the time of the American conquest of the southwest. They first followed Kearney's Army of the West into Santa Fe. Then they followed Doniphan and his Missouri Volunteers into Chihuahua, Mexico, where they stayed for months. Here we have a colorful and exciting journal of an observant young woman who travelled this region at a crucial period of American history.
Santa Fe Trail - Transportation - History--Pioneers - American southwest - History--Pioneers - Mexico - History--Traders - American southwest - History--Traders - Mexico - History--Pioneers - History - Biography
R978 Mag 4
Down the Santa Fe Trail & into Mexico: The diary of Susan Shelby Magoffin 1846-1847 / Susan Shelby Magoffin - New Haven, Ct. Yale University Press 1962 (1926) - 294 p. B&w photographs & illus.; map; appendix; bibliography; index
In 1846 Susan Magoffin, eighteen years old and recently married, set out with her husband, a veteran Santa Fe trader, from Independence, Missouri on a trading adventure. This was the time of the American conquest of the southwest. They first followed Kearney's Army of the West into Santa Fe. Then they followed Doniphan and his Missouri Volunteers into Chihuahua, Mexico, where they stayed for months. Here we have a colorful and exciting journal of an observant young woman who travelled this region at a crucial period of American history.
Santa Fe Trail - Transportation - History--Pioneers - American southwest - History--Pioneers - Mexico - History--Traders - American southwest - History--Traders - Mexico - History--Pioneers - History - Biography
R978 Mag 4