Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Meyer, Stephen C.

Return of the God hypothesis : three scientific discoveries that reveal the mind behind the universe Print Stephen C. Meyer - First edition. - New York, NY HarperOne, an imprint of HaperCollinsPublishers 2021. - 568 pages illustrations 24 cm Hardback book.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Prologue -- Part I: The rise and fall of theistic science. The Judeo-Christian origins of modern science -- Three metaphors and the making of the scientific world picture -- The rise of scientific materialism and the eclipse of theistic science -- Part II: Return of the God hypothesis. The light from distant galaxies -- The Big Bang theory -- The curvature of space and the beginning of the universe -- The Goldilocks universe -- Extreme fine tuning--by design? -- The origin of life and the DNA enigma -- The Cambrian and other information explosions -- Part III: Inference to the best metaphysical explanation. How to assess a metaphysical hypothesis -- The God hypothesis and the beginning of the universe -- The God hypothesis and the design of the universe -- The God hypothesis and the design of life -- Part IV: Conjectures and refutations. The information shell game -- One God or many universes? -- Stephen Hawking and quantum cosmology -- The cosmological information problem -- Collapsing waves and Boltzmann brains -- Part V: Conclusion. Acts of God or God of the gaps? -- The big questions and why they matter.

"The anticipated third book from New York Times bestselling author and respected Intelligent Design scholar Stephen C. Meyer makes a compelling argument for the existence of God based on breakthroughs in physics, cosmology, and biology"--

9780062071507 0062071505


God--Proof, Cosmological.
God--Proof, Teleological.
Religion and science.

BT103 / .M49 2021

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