Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Naipaul, V. S.

Return of Eva Perón, with the killings in Trinidad The return of Eva Perón, with the killings in Trinidad V. S. Naipaul. - 1st Vintage Books ed. - New York : Vintage Books, 1981, c1980. - 245 p. 18 cm.

Michael X and the Black power killings in Trinidad --
The return of Eva Perón --
A new king for the Congo --
Conrad's darkness.

Michael X in Trinidad, Peronism in Argentina, the cult of Kingship in Mobutu's Zaire - the author brings his novelist's questioning to bear upon the "half-made" societies, those still suffering from the profound deprivations of colonialism and prey to corruption.




Malik, Michael Abdul 1933-1975
Perón, Eva 1919-1952
Mobutu Sese Seko 1930-1997


AC8 / .N174 1981

082 Nai 6