Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Oda, Eiichiro

One piece: 88-89-90 New world One piece. 88-89-90 New world. 88-89-90 One piece. Vol. 88, Lion Lion One piece. Vol. 89, Bad end musical Bad end musical One piece. Vol. 90, Sacred Marijoa Sacred Marijoa Eiichiro Oda ; translation: Stephen Paul ; touch-up art & lettering, Vanessa Satone. - Shonen Jump manga omnibus edition. - San Francisco, CA VIZ Media, LLC 2019 - 608 unnumbered pages illustrations ; 19 cm - One Piece 3-in-1 . - Shonen Jump manga .

Translated from the Japanese. "First published in Japan in 1997 by SHUEISHA Inc., Tokyo."--Colophon Reads from right to left. "A compilation of the graphic novel volumes 88-90"--Colophon Parental advisory: "[R]ecommended for ages 13 and up. This volume contains fantasy violence and tobacco usage.--Colophon

Vol. 88 Lion -- Vol. 89 Bad end musical -- Vol. 90 Sacred Marijoa.

"Join Monkey D. Luffy and his swashbuckling crew in their search for the ultimate treasure, the One Piece. As a child, Monkey D. Luffy dreamed of becoming King of the Pirates. But his life changed when he accidentally ate the Gum-Gum Fruit, an enchanted Devil Fruit that gave him the ability to stretch like rubber. Its only drawback? He'll never be able to swim again--a serious handicap for an aspiring sea dog! Years later, Luffy sets off on his quest to find the 'One Piece', said to be the greatest treasure in the world ... Big Mom, a fearsome and extremely hungry pirate warlord, bears down on Luffy and his crew in search of wedding cake and revenge. Luffy clashes with her sweet-toothed son Katakuri while the Straw hat crew battles to protect their ship and their lives."--Provided by publisher

Rated T, for Teen.

9781974709427 1974709426

019569878 Uk

Luffy, Monkey D.--Comic books, strips, etc.

Pirates--Comic books, strips, etc.
Quests (Expeditions)--Comic books, strips, etc.
Treasure troves--Comic books, strips, etc.
Adventure and adventurers--Comic books, strips, etc.
Buried treasure--Fiction.
Cartoons and comics,

PN6790.J33 / O2976598 2019

yOda 75