Padmanabhan, Manjula.
I am different! Can you find me? / Manjula Padmanabhan. - 1st U.S. ed. - Watertown, MA : Washington, D.C. : Charlesbridge Pub. ; Developed by the Global Fund for Children, 2011. - 1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations ; 23 x 30 - Mind in the Making .
Mind in the making : Making connections "First published in India by Tulika Publishers under the title I Am Different!! Can You Find Me?."
Overview: Imported from India, this clever picture book presents sixteen visual puzzles: readers must pick out the one item that is different from the rest. The phrase "Can you find me?" is shown in a different language on every page.
Interest age level : Ages 6-9.
Text in sixteen different languages including English, Hebrew, Hawaiian, Cree, Arabic, Filipino, Gullah, Mandarin, Hindi, Spanish, Nahuatl, Italian, Navajo, Swahili, French, and American Sign Language. Display type and text type set in Triplex and Georgia Non-Roman script set in Arial Bold, Copyright @2011 Global Fund for Children.
9781570916397 157091639X 9781570916403 1570916403
015865171 Uk
Multicultural education--Juvenile literature.
Manners and customs--Juvenile literature.
Language and culture--Juvenile literature.
Picture puzzles.
LC208 / .P33 2011
j370.117 Pad 16
I am different! Can you find me? / Manjula Padmanabhan. - 1st U.S. ed. - Watertown, MA : Washington, D.C. : Charlesbridge Pub. ; Developed by the Global Fund for Children, 2011. - 1 volume (unpaged) : color illustrations ; 23 x 30 - Mind in the Making .
Mind in the making : Making connections "First published in India by Tulika Publishers under the title I Am Different!! Can You Find Me?."
Overview: Imported from India, this clever picture book presents sixteen visual puzzles: readers must pick out the one item that is different from the rest. The phrase "Can you find me?" is shown in a different language on every page.
Interest age level : Ages 6-9.
Text in sixteen different languages including English, Hebrew, Hawaiian, Cree, Arabic, Filipino, Gullah, Mandarin, Hindi, Spanish, Nahuatl, Italian, Navajo, Swahili, French, and American Sign Language. Display type and text type set in Triplex and Georgia Non-Roman script set in Arial Bold, Copyright @2011 Global Fund for Children.
9781570916397 157091639X 9781570916403 1570916403
015865171 Uk
Multicultural education--Juvenile literature.
Manners and customs--Juvenile literature.
Language and culture--Juvenile literature.
Picture puzzles.
LC208 / .P33 2011
j370.117 Pad 16