20160731 frey50
Nam : The Vietnam Experience 1965-75 Vietnam, 1965-75 / Nam, the Vietnam experience, 1965-75 Vietnam experience, 1965-75 Vietnam, 1965-75 [consultant editors, Tim Page, John Pimlott]. - New York, NY : Barnes & Noble Books, 1995. - 649 p. : ill., maps ; 31 cm.
Includes bibliography (p. 599-602) and index.
Vietnamese Conflict, 1951-1975.
Nam : The Vietnam Experience 1965-75 Vietnam, 1965-75 / Nam, the Vietnam experience, 1965-75 Vietnam experience, 1965-75 Vietnam, 1965-75 [consultant editors, Tim Page, John Pimlott]. - New York, NY : Barnes & Noble Books, 1995. - 649 p. : ill., maps ; 31 cm.
Includes bibliography (p. 599-602) and index.
Vietnamese Conflict, 1951-1975.