Niederman, Sharon
New Mexico Farm Table Cookbook 150 Homegrown Recipes from the Land of Enchantment Print The New Mexico Farm Table Cookbook Sharon Niederman - Woodstock, VT Countryman Press 2015. - 207 p.; color photographs; index Paperbound book
Long before "Farm to table" eating became a nationa trend, New Mexico's small farm and ranches provided for its families and communities. This books celebrates the authentic, local ingredients of a true melting pot that combines Native American, Spanish, American and Mexican cultures and their delicious cuisines.
9781581572087 1581572085
New Mexico - Cuisine--Cooking--Recipes
New Mexico
641.59789 Nie 45
New Mexico Farm Table Cookbook 150 Homegrown Recipes from the Land of Enchantment Print The New Mexico Farm Table Cookbook Sharon Niederman - Woodstock, VT Countryman Press 2015. - 207 p.; color photographs; index Paperbound book
Long before "Farm to table" eating became a nationa trend, New Mexico's small farm and ranches provided for its families and communities. This books celebrates the authentic, local ingredients of a true melting pot that combines Native American, Spanish, American and Mexican cultures and their delicious cuisines.
9781581572087 1581572085
New Mexico - Cuisine--Cooking--Recipes
New Mexico
641.59789 Nie 45